On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

short stories (9)

P.Z. Walker

Angelica Blackwine (short story)

I've posted 2 of the 3 short stories from the 2nd edition of the freebie online. Let me finalise that by handing you the last one from that publication! Here's a fantasy witch story. Meet Angelica Blackwine. A pile of boxes and crates were in…

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P.Z. Walker

That first time (short story)

This is another short story which I put out into the wild some time ago. I hope many downloaders are non-naturists, who get interested and will give doing nude a try. "It's happening, isn't it?" Rosa looked at Gerard, her husband. "It is." He didn't…

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P.Z. Walker

Dance Macabre (short story)

As I did with the first 3-short-story publication, I'll be posting them here as well. Which now is a good thing as I don't have anything else for you! Michael had just dropped Chrissie off at her house. She lived in an apartment, not far…

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P.Z. Walker

Naturist Fiction Short Stories Volume 2

Three more very short stories in various genres, all touching the touchy subject of naturism/nudism. In this edition: Fantasy, 'real life' fiction, and horror! Find the e-book at Google Play, Kobo, Barnes&Noble, Smashwords and Amazon. Even Apple has it now! (It took a while.)

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P.Z. Walker

Free short story - 3

As promised, the free short stories will appear here too. And here's the last of them which appeared in the first publication. I hope you'll enjoy it. Bill, Mary-Beth and the children were looking forward to the afternoon. They’d visit their regular hide-away from the…

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P.Z. Walker

Free stuff - follow-up

My non-naturist author side has a bunch of free short publications out there. They originated when I started writing, and was ‘forced’ to publish one of my better stories. (Long story, that being forced.) Those three shorts are available everywhere. Hopefully Amazon will make them…

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P.Z. Walker

Short stories

Volume 1. Three very short stories in various genres, all touching the touchy subject of naturism/nudism. In this edition: Fantasy, Science Fiction and 'real life' fiction. Find the e-book at: Smashwords, Google Play, Kobo, Apple books, Barnes&Noble and Amazon.

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