Sunday Nudist
"The Ripples They Caused," painting y Martine Emdur, 2023, oil on linen, 24.2 x 16.3", private collection. Found via BigBerries on Mastodon. (Link may have expired, so click and find out!)
Continue reading..."The Ripples They Caused," painting y Martine Emdur, 2023, oil on linen, 24.2 x 16.3", private collection. Found via BigBerries on Mastodon. (Link may have expired, so click and find out!)
Continue reading..."Strangers in Paradise", by Max Renneisen, oil on Canvas, 23.6 x 19.7" (I thought to vary the subject a bit once in a while. There is so much beautiful nude art around. It has to be shared and seen.)
Continue reading...Amazing painting byΒ Mark Cross.
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