On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Sometimes it doesn't work out

Naked Crow 1 cover
Many of you good people will know this cover and the face on it.

Sheila, the original Naked Crow, and her spirit guide, Acaraho.

So far, she appeared in 12 stories, which didn't turn out half bad, I think.

Long time ago I started book 13. It was off to a wobbly start. I remember not feeling entirely sure about it, but I set off and wrote. And wrote. And... stopped, as I hit a yellow brick wall.

Yellow brick wall
The Yellow Brick Wall

The story didn't cooperate any more. I gave it a week, and another one. Tried something. Removed a lot. Tried something else. Removed even more. Gave it some more time. Time often brings the solution to such dead ends.

But not this time. I think the concept of the story is good, but the location is entirely wrong. The distances are too great, there is no space for additional complications (which is crazy, because with great distances there are enormous spaces - but different ones), and so the story keeled over and decided not to play along.

I'm shelving the 12.000 words for now. (That's 12,000 for USA based people.)

Paul, thinking.
There will be another Naked Crow 13. One that is viable. It may take a while, finding that fresh start, but it's better to agree with a lump of words there's no way around it, and approach the title with another plan.

It's a matter of time, and in that meantime I have plenty of other stuff to write. Because I don't consider this writer's block. This is just a story not working.

I'll think about this some more, and while I'm thinking about it, I may as well kick off the third Superheroes story. I have some ideas for that.
