Sex sells
Sex sells. And that's why nudity is sexualised. Any kind of nudity.
We know it.

It's this kind of thing that makes the textile world 'know' nudity is connected to sex 10 times out of 10.
And it's not just cigarettes (ads for those are forbidden in the Netherlands, which is a good thing, I think.)

It's seriously bad to see how our preferred way of being is abused in this way, even when the models are still partially (and less and less) covered, and there's nothing we can do about it. Not that I know. People with good ideas are welcome to unload them here!

We can tell this woman here is all in it for the sport, right? As it is the cover of Sports Illustrated. (I don't have the foggiest idea which sport. Speed swimming is out with that outfit.)
It's clearly not our kind of sport. We are in the nude business without making money (apart from those who cater to our naturist vacation desires, which is normal).
I am convinced all this is what makes so many naturists emphasise 'non sexual nudity'.
Will we ever make the world see it's view of us is wrong?
