The eighth week

At the moment of writing this, I’m in my eighth week of almost total nakedness.


The weather has been amazing here over the past couple of months. Hot even. Yes, also much too dry, which is an unfortunate bonus, but with respect to being clothes-free, it was fantastic.

I only wore the least bit of clothes to go to customers’ sites, to work on location. That wasn’t very often, and my drying laundry is proof of that. Loads of towels, a few pairs of socks and some shirts.

The weather is now turning, colder weather is coming towards us, but there will also be rain. Being naked just about all the time is great, but if the land is parched and nature goes belly-up through that, I’ll gladly put on clothes again if I need to if rain and colder weather comes along.

It’s interesting to see how this balance happens. Naturists like their sunshine and their nude-time. Nature, however, requires the other end of the spectrum as well, simply to properly function as our nude playground.

I’m not sad about the nude period coming to an end soon. That, I think, is a stoic attitude towards things, and a stoic I’ve been. All my life, as far as I can remember.

Morning walk in the nude, fog in background
Morning walk, with fog

I had this wonderful nude time for 2 months, maybe even more (I didn’t mark each day on the calendar) and I will remember it fondly. There will be another time for that, and I can be nude at home whenever I want – as long as the temperature’s right. Mourning the period ending is a waste of time and energy, as that won’t bring it back.

I’ll hang on to the memories and feelings during that time, do what I feel is needed, and look forward to what might / will come.

Have a great day everyone. Make it as clothes-free as you can!
