Are you nude with a mask on your face?

Naked with a mask?

I have heard a lot about this. Is a nudist really naked with a mask on?

Short answer: Yes, even when you wear something.

If that is all you have time for then you can move on and be busy with what you consider more important stuff.

The long answer is, as usual, longer and more thought through. Yes, a nudist isn’t naked with a mask on, but here’s the but: everyone wears such a thing.

COVID-19 image

These days, if you do it right, a mask is like having a nose or eyes. You need it. For living. Because if you don’t use it, the chances of not living very long are quite big. The reason for that, you probably guessed it already, is our little friend COVID-19.

A virus that has such an impact on life as we know it is not something to make fun of. Nor is it something to ignore.

We’re nudists so we refuse to wear anything

Even a mask.

That is one of the stupidest things I have heard in the past decade. That is like saying “We’re nudists so we don’t take medicine when we’re sick”.

You’re right, you can take medicine when you’re totally and veritably naked down to your lack of blue suede shoes, but consider the alternative in the light of a mask and taking home a good shot of the old COVID and blues. Is that worth the risk?

Last Thursday, July 2nd 2020, the USA alone reported 53,000 new cases of COVID-19. That is not just a lot. That is scary. And the majority of these people wore clothes but probably no mask. (I refuse to call it a face mask because I still haven’t figured out on what other body part you can wear a mask.)

Let’s be grateful that masks like up here aren’t obligatory.

Look at it from the other side.

Is a dressed person undressed when not wearing a mask?

If you say yes, you can’t be serious. People have gone without masks for the longest time, unless they intended to rob banks and stuff like that.

I don’t think you’ll find anyone in the textile world who will tell you they feel ‘naked’ without their mask. Masks have become a life necessity with friend Covid still hanging around. A virus doesn’t care if you naked, dressed in rags or the finest silk a caterpillar can poop. It wants to get in your face – and the way to keep it away is to wear a mask when you go out among people. It’s that ff-ing simple.


Paul nude outside

Having a mask on to stay healthy and alive isn’t that bad, I think.

Also, there is still this 6 foot distance rule, right? Take that into consideration. Keep a distance and the need for a mask isn’t major. (Please, correct me if I’m wrong!) Do keep a mask at hand. You never know when someone isn’t able to guestimate 6 ft.

Happy nude summer, everyone!


The heat is on. The clothes are off.

My initial idea for the title of this post was “the drinking naturist”, after the podcast “The Thinking Atheist” that I follow, but that might give people the wrong idea (e.g. alcohol and things) so I changed that.

Here in Europe, temperatures are rising this week. Locally we may see 36 C, which is 97 F. Not the stuff we usually encounter during the year, although it’s getting hotter and hotter each year.

Yes, summer is here and it’s a hottie.

This, of course, is a great thing for naturists, nudists and other clothes-free-oriented humans. I can understand that – I’m writing this post clothes-free too, which is the best state to be in for a human body. Clothes not needed? Leave them off. (When will the world understand that?)

Because of that hot weather, I would like to remind everyone that it’s important to stay hydrated. And that means to drink in advance. Once you start feeling thirsty, you’re generally too late. So drink up while you don’t feel like it. Feeling bad just before you drink is not the smart thing to do, even when you’re nude.

I think it’s also smart to stay out of direct sunlight on the hot parts of the day. Now everyone has their own heat tolerance, but please be smart about it. Just because it’s hot and sunny, that doesn’t mean you have to be out in the sun as long as you can. You will survive with the vitamin D you collect in the ‘off hours’. Sun-stroke and skin cancer are real. Please remember that.

Sunlovers having fun at the beach

Do you still think of being naked?

That’s something I realised a while ago. Being undressed in the right weather / temperature conditions has become so natural to me that I hardly think about it.

(This is not my front door!)

That’s also the reason why I opened the front door naked a few times this summer; it was Very, really Very Warm for a long time.

The interesting bit was that some people, after their initial surprise, seemed to pay little mind to my (lack of) attire. Especially after explaining why I wasn’t wearing clothes. It was – in a way – weird to find that many people at the door understood the reason immediately, but that I had to explain the why to them first.

After hearing that, most of them agreed that it was a clever thing to do. Such encounters tell me that being naked is basically accepted by many people, but that the actual doing is something that doesn’t cross their mind until they see someone who actually does it. (Leading by example, anyone?)

But back to the original question: Do you still ‘know’ you’re naked when you’re naked?

In the forest
Out on a forest walk.

Being naked has become natural to me. It’s the best way to be. I tell everyone who is open enough to hear it. (Which is a surprising thing too, sometimes people I least suspect of being open about nudity are most open about nudity.)

The thing I am sensitive about it temperature. Not being nude. And I’m curious to learn about your experiences!

Nudity and a lack of summer

The weather here in Europe has been appalling for naturists and nudists alike when it comes to going outside. Cold, wind, rain, all those goodies – and a lack of sunshine.

Scenes like this one have been happening here more than once over the past month. I’m probably not the only one who starts to feel vitamin D deprived, and that’s horrible. It’s sad when we have to go without our favourite source of that vitamin.

vitamin DOf course you know that one.

The sun. What else?

There are alternatives, like fish, wheat bread and such but…

nothing beats soaking up the sun with all of our skin. Unfortunately I have no good cure for a lack of sun. If however you are looking for good ways to be naked while the sun is not around…

You could meet up with naturist friends either at your home or in theirs. Get together naked, have a good time. Talk, watch a good film, interact – and leave your smartphone in the pocket of your clothes!

naked in the saunaYou might consider a visit to a sauna. Saunas are great places to be naked, at least over here in Europe.

In a sauna you can meet other naked-minded people there; perhaps even make new friends.

A great way to be nude as well is of course in your home. You may need some precautions because there are always the very curious ones who think it’s their obligation to stare into your living room and point out what’s wrong. And you bet that those are the same people who think being naked, even inside your own four walls, is wrong!

curtainsGlass curtains can be your friend here. It blocks the view from outside quite effectively and if someone is still able to peek inside an accuse you of being an exhibitionist it won’t be hard to convince others that this person is a peeping Tom. Or Tina.


If you don’t like having those curtains up all the time there are ways of clipping them up if you want your privacy and easily taking them down as soon as you’ve had enough of being naked. (Inserting time to laugh here.)

I hope that people who are deprived of their nudity can find some solace and tips in this post. If you can, take a vacation to a warm and sunny place where nudity is okay. This however isn’t within everyone’s reach, and for those I tried to come up with some viable and not too expensive alternatives.

Be happy, everyone. And be naked.