Nude swimming is a wonderful thing

Hey folks.

Did you miss me?

I was gone for a week and I loved it. It would have been even better had the week been a month, but sometimes things just don’t happen the way we want them to. I’m sure you know how that feels. (If not, let me know how you manage that.)

Ocean beach
Ocean, Canary Islands

During that week I went out for a swim in the ocean. Some of you might live next door to an ocean so for you it’s probably not a big thing, but for many others, like me, it is. Going into that enormous expanse of crystal clear water (see above picture), knowing that almost all that water is connected to the rest of the world, is quite an experience if you stop to think about it.

When I got into the water, I was prepared for it to be cold. Oceans tend to cool down at the end of November. Still, it wasn’t too cold for a swim (not even for me!). I loved it.

There was a swimming pool at the place where we stayed. That water was definitely too cold. I still wonder why that wasn’t just one block of ice.

The ocean experience, though, was fabulous. I realised that I was in touch with that water, water that was in touch with all other places in the world, give or take a few.

I wasn’t in the water alone. There were four others, also entirely nude, enjoying the early morning swim. It was a fabulous experience. (Unfortunately my girlfriend wasn’t there at that moment, she had to tend to something personal.)

Next time we’ll swim there together. Naked. In that big water.

Fake boobs are fine…

but the real thing is forbidden.

Just a children’s cartoon, right?

I keep being surprised by the hypocrisy of the clothed world. Really, sometimes I think I’ve seen and heard it all, but the clothed world keeps proving me wrong.

Take the image up here. Apparently it’s just fine. Nothing wrong with it.

Just a very young face with very big eyes. A happy, loving face. Cute, because big eyes are a sign of the very young (as in babies etc.)

A bit lower: quite a “rack”. Yes, rather large breasts for such a young face. Of course, “it’s just a drawing, what are you making a fuss about?”.

Well… considering the fact that clothed people are making quite the row over nude swims where children are present…

…this is something that’s so adverse to this all.

The people who condone drawings like that feel, to me (do note that), like child molesters without the guts (which is good). Why else would they like images of young girls with huge breasts? Is there something repressed inside those people?

Nudists who like to swim in the nude (hey, where does nudist come from?) with their children are the pedophiles, while people who (I think) have this subconscious craving for images like the one at the very top are the normal ones.

Sorry. Not buying that.

Naturist beach visit

Today it’s very warm. It’s still warm as I write this, 31c / 88F. This afternoon I took some time to go to our local nude beach to relax, get some sunshine and try to finish the book I am reading, So far I have tried that 6 times, but there are always kind and friendly people at the beach and it’s really pleasant to talk with them.

Some nude beach
Note that this is not our nude beach. I wish!

It’s impressive to find out what people visit our little beach. Last time I met someone who makes his own exclusive wine. This time I talked to a lady who has travelled all over the world and spends the winter in South Africa.

As it was so very warm and muggy, a small group decided to go for a swim. I was with them – for the first time as I’m not much of a swimmer. The water was still quite cold, several people were a bit hesitant to go in, but it was by far not as cold as the sea in which I went skinnydipping for the world record. It was great to swim naked (I know, but it’s a nice surprise every time I do it), and I think we scared a few people who were rowing a boat along when they discovered they had reached the nude beach.

As we were back on the grass to dry up, one of my fellow swimmers looked at me and said he’d seen me on TV, in a short report on the news about the skinnydip attempt. Apparently it was only a fraction of a second but I have a few unique tattoos which was how he recognised me. I should try to locate that footage, would be fun!