Nudists offered advice on neighbourly relations

Found on the Epsom Guardian site:

lunch in the buff

As the sun comes out, so do residents who like the simple joy of being naked in their own garden, according to a police force.

Upset neighbours of residents who loath clothes have been complaining to police in Reigate and Banstead, prompting the force to give advice on how to skirt around the issue.

Budding naturists are encouraged to have a chat with their neighbours and explain that they: want to sunbathe without clothes, have no wish to offend them, will be discreet and hope they will not object.

Writing on Surrey Police’s Reigate and Banstead Beat Facebook page, a spokesperson advised that the force would investigate cases of indecent exposure or outraging public decency.

A spokesperson added: “Confining your naturism to a part of the garden which can be screened from the view will obviously solve the problem.

“If none of the above is possible, you will have to decide whether your desire to be naked in your garden is more important to you than being on friendly terms with those around you.”

But nakedness among neighbours goes both ways it seems, and the spokesperson also advised: “On the other hand, no one has the right to spy on you.

“If you find that your neighbour is leaning out of an upstairs window or standing on the top of a step ladder in order to see you then he or she may well be committing an offence.”

(I think the most important part here is: talk to your neighbours. People are more accepting when you simply tell the truth.)

When naturism costs jobs

I’m sure you all read or heard about it. A British school teacher, Christine Wright, was told to take early retirement after the school she worked at found out she was a naturist.

She said: “It’s not something I ever spoke about at work but some busy body outed me.

“They rang up my employer and told them I was a naturist. To hurt me. It ended up with me taking early retirement. I’m not going deny who I am.”

I was bloody well shocked after hearing about this. How sad is this, to force someone out of the job they love, because of a brain-twisted idiot who doesn’t know the difference between a life style and paedophiles?

I truly believe that teachers are most at risk of losing their jobs, because they work with children, and – as we all know – the children’s tender souls need to be protected from the big bad world where people walk around with no clothes. Murder and other kinds of violence are okay, greed is applauded, but OMG, as the expression goes, no nudity please!

She says she believes that naturism is misunderstood, comparing them to other minorities.

She added: “Sometimes I think we’re in the same position the gay community were in 20 years ago.

I hope we all will live to see the day that naturism isn’t considered the bad thing that many uneducated people think it is.

(Quotes and image courtesy of The Irish Sun.)