Mass trial for nudists in the Netherlands.

Press release NFN 22 january 2014:

Mass trial Delft touches core rights of Dutch nude recreationists.

Tuesday January 28th will see a unique fact in Dutch history. Then the court in The Hague will look at the 43 fines that have been handed to nudists in the Summer of 2013. 20 nude recreating people did not pay their fines because they think they’ve been fined unjustly in the area where they were at that time. The NFN (Dutch Federation for Nude Recreation) agrees with these people and will support the right for nude recreation in the Delftse Hout (name of area where fines were written).

Rain of fines creates unrest.

In 2013 the city of Delft decided to ban nude recreation in the Delftse Hout and fine people who were there anyway. The ruling was an attempt to reduce harassment in the area (especially in the evening). The daily checks at the nude beach led to large unrest and irritation among the visitors, so many of them stayed away. Some felt so intimidated that they decided to put on some clothes. A large group of nudists refused to to accept the ruling of the city council and let themselves be fined. All those fines are now seen by the judge in one large trial.

(Source: NFN website – original text in Dutch)