Anti-social media

We all know that Facebook isn’t the place where naturist topics and images are welcome. More than lots of people I know have been kicked out of there and it’s not going to get any better there soon.

Google+ is among the places where naturism is getting a harder shoulder too: my account there was once jailed for a month already and a few days ago I was notified that it will be suspended indefinitely. The reason, again, was pornographic and sexually explicit content. After the account had been restored the first time I hardly posted anything there. Last week’s Sunday Noon Nudist however was what broke the camel’s back it seems.

They are probably right. It is hard to find something more sexually explicit than a naked woman climbing out of the water after a swim. Outside even!

I’ll miss all the people at G+ but I’m never going back there. It’s not worth having an account in a place where you can’t be who you are. For now Twitter, Tumblr and the Nook will be my places of choice. And this blog/website of course.

Google Plus. A question to the people there.

And so my account on Google Plus is blocked. Due to indecent material.


I think this was because of the user icon that I used there. The same one I’m using here and in a few other places.

avt_nud02_sSuddenly this image on the left is considered ‘pornographic or sexually explicit’. I am not certain which of the two applies here. I have changed the user icon there (a while ago even) and removed some pictures that might be offending to them as well. If they still object then I can only imagine that this is because of images that show on Google Plus through posts shared from this blog.

If that is the problem then I’ll have to find a way to go around that.. if it’s worth that. This post should go to Google Plus as well. People on Google Plus: do you appreciate my blog?