All the fuss about nudity

I often wonder what it is about nudity that so many people get worked up about it. There is nothing new about nudity, people have been born nude since the beginning of mankind.When you take a shower or bath, you take your clothes off. When you have sex, you usually do that too. Everyone knows there is a naked you under your clothes, and yet when you go about and actually show it, most people react shocked, appalled and cry bloody murder, if not worse.


What’s the reason for that? Religious objections about nudity? I think that has a lot to do with it. Look at what the Christian bible says about that, when Adam and Eve ate a ‘forbidden’ apple. Suddenly they were ashamed of their naked bodies, covered themselves and got themselves kicked out of a nice place. Who declared that was the right thing to do? Freedom of speech was probably not an item in those days…

Naked Adam, naked Eve

Of course it is understandable, when mankind started shedding their hair, they had to dress up to keep themselves warm. Freezing to death is hardly the fun thing to do. But when the weather’s fine and clothes are only used to prevent people from seeing the real you…

Who hasn’t experienced a tremendously hot summer where every bit of clothing you wear is too much? I once heard someone say: “All I had on was the light.”

Who needs clothes in Africa?

People who visit saunas and nudist/naturist camps have a smarter idea about that. Why get all worked up with that shame thing that is forced onto everyone?

Naturism back then
Naturism today

Don’t be afraid of your own nudity. It is normal. Natural. Natural, yes, as everyone comes into nature naked. I’ve never seen a tree that grows clothes. The whole taboo on nudity is wrong, and also accounts for a lot of the perverted things that are happening in our day and age. If people would accept the naked human body for what it is, the thrill of the ‘forbidden fruit’ would fall away. I am quite convinced of that.

There is nothing to be ashamed of, unless you choose to. But before you choose, ask yourself if you really feel the way you feel about nudity, or if it is the result of what society has pushed onto you. And be honest with yourself.

Archery in the nude

Yes. It exists.

Quote from terracottainn:

Nude Archery is appropriate as the USA men’s Olympic team won a Silver medal today. Here I am trying out for the women’s team. LOL  At least I’m wearing the correct uniform of ancient Greek Olympics.

Tom wrote a great Huffington Post article yesterday about nude Olympics, read it and leave a comment there. Hope you like his story:

“Enjoy The Olympics The Old Fashioned Way, Naked:

I always appreciate it when you reblog my posts, it helps encourage more people to try topless and nude sunbathing or just to spend more fun time naked. So Thank you very much for every reblog.

Visit my resort blog at

Ask to be a follower of mine, I always approve everyone.  MC

Nude around the house

Do you sometimes walk around in your house whilst not wearing anything? Going around naked as on the moment you were born?

If so, you might be surprised to hear that you’re not allowed to just like that. If you walk by a window in your naked glory and someone from the street looks inside and sees you, that person can file a complaint against you for indecent exposure. Even when you’re in your own house! It doesn’t mean you’ll get arrested and thrown in jail, but there’s a good chance you get a warning from the police.

Now I have to add that I am not sure if this is true everywhere, but there are many places and countries where this is a fact. When you want to sit in your garden and feel the sunshine on all of your skin, you need to make sure that none of your neighbours can see you that way for the same reason. And don’t think that a good fence will be enough: if someone can see you from their upstairs rooms you’re at fault too.

Nude in your garden

Isn’t that dumb? No matter how liberated the world at large wants to feel, we’re constricted in our freedom by a morality forced upon us by a bunch of people who feel that nakedness is not a natural state of being. The more because it is a natural state of being. I have yet to hear about a baby being born with a diaper on…