Image courtesy of Naktivated on Tumblr
Author: Paul
Zita dans la peau d’une nudiste
Zita in the skin of a nudist.
Yes, this is French. And unfortunately the below video has no subtitles in English, because it’s one hour of film that is worth watching. Zita, a lady from France who tries out all kinds of things, decided to live life as a naturist for a while. She visits a naturist resort in the French Ardeche for a week, then she moves on to Cap d’Agde, then it’s onwards to another naturist area. After a visit to a “naturist militant” in Bruxelles, she finishes off her tour of nudism at the London edition of the World Naked Bike Ride. If you feel like watching, enjoy.
The Art of Free Hiking | Naturist State
Here is a very good article on how to prepare for nude hikes: The Art of Free Hiking | Naturist State. Please enjoy a snip from the post:
Finding the right spot
The first and foremost task is to pick a track that is a little out of the way, not so popular, or a little tricky to get to. The rougher a track is, the less likely it is to be used frequently. The type of people that are likely to use the track are probably keen hikers who might be a little more receptive to you than day trippers out for a Sunday stroll with their kids.
Ideally you want to find a track that has a single entry point and car park, so when you’re there you can ascertain if anyone else is on the track. If the car park is empty, this is a good sign nobody’s around. It’s not an assurance, but a pretty good indicator.
More at: The Art of Free Hiking | Naturist State.
Naked Crow. A book on naturism.
Yes, I’ve done it. I’ve written a book that features naturism, and I did my best to put it in a positive light. It’s also a fantasy book. The book’s written, but not finished as I still need to spell-check, edit and so forth. I did make a cover for it already, and here’s a preview for you:

The text for the back-matter I’ve come up with so far:
Sheila is a dental assistant with an normal life, until one of her friends goes missing and the police face a mystery. Her friend Josy went missing in a naturist resort and there is no trace of her. Sheila, who discovers a special ability within herself, decides to find Josy herself, but for that she will have to go into the naturist resort – and shed her clothes!
(As this is an entirely different genre than what I usually write, I chose to use a pen name for this one.)
Why this book? There are not enough books that feature naturism and nudism, and certainly not enough of them that put the subject in a positive light. I got the idea after reading a great story that does (Naturist, red in tooth and claw, link goes to my review of it).
I hope to make a bit of a difference with this book. I’ll keep you posted when it’s out there.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Image courtesy of Tumblr
German TV program about nudism
You’ll need to understand German, no subtitles. Duration: 50 minutes.
Kleding en lichaamstemperatuur
Na het schrijven van een eerder artikel genaamd “Naakt buiten zijn. Is dat niet koud?” ben ik nu overtuigd dat er een verband is tussen het dragen van kleren en de sensatie van warm en koud.
Een tijd terug werkte ik een halve dag thuis. Zoals gewoonlijk met een aangename temperatuur (het was afgelopen zomer) deed ik dat naakt. In de middag moest ik terug naar kantoor – en dat betekende aankleden. Op dat moment werd het me wederom duidelijk dat kleren echt een effect hebben op hoe je warm en koud ervaart. Op kantoor voelde de temperatuur redelijk prettig op mijn blote armen, maar de rest van me (bedekt met kleren) voelde vreselijk warm aan, zo erg zelfs dat ik er slaperig van werd.
Dat maakt het voor mij opnieuw duidelijk dat kleren het moeilijk maken om je prettig te voelen als je ze draagt waar het niet nodig is. Slim als we zijn lossen we dat natuurlijk op door energie-verslindende air-conditioning
Da’s toch wel raar als je er zo tegenaan kijkt, of niet?
Sunday Noon Nudist
Military wives naked calendar photographed in Scotland
Military wives naked calendar photographed in Scotland – Daily Record.
In pictures: Scottish military wives bare all for naked calendar
A GROUP of military wives trekked up a mountain and bravely bared all in freezing temperatures of minus 4C to create a nude calendar in honour of their husbands.
THE Garrison Girls, who are wives of men from the three Armed services, stripped off in the Scottish mountains to reveal their breasts and bums.
The women, who have never modelled before, can be seen stretched out naked on rocks by a river, walking across a narrow wooden bridge and perched in the window of a ruined castle.
Helmets, berets and military kit bags are cleverly hidden in the set of artistic calendar shots to remind people of the linked to the armed forces.
“It was around minus 4C up the mountain and when we took our clothes off it felt like being in a freezer,” said Emma Matthias, 29, who helped co-ordinate the shoot and whose husband is a Royal Engineer based at Kinloss Barracks in Moray, Aberdeenshire.
Follow the link to Daily Record for the entire series.