Anyone else looking forward to this reality?
Author: Paul
A naturist’s view on ‘telling the world’.
Telling the world.
Until a few days ago I didn’t shout my involvement with and love for naturism from the roofs. Okay, I still don’t but a while ago I simply felt I had to do something. That something turned into a blog post on one of the sites I own, a site I don’t use very often. If you want to see what I put up there, please follow this link (which will open in a new window/tab, so be warned). Note that just about everything in that post is stuff everyone of us already knows.
I did this because at times I hear so many bad, weird and wrong things about naturism (and this past week was one of them) that I felt the need to set things a bit more straight via a blog that gets a reasonable amount of attention and which hasn’t mentioned much in the light of naturism so far.
This blog is connected to the evil place called Facebook. That assured me that I would reach a lot of people. Faceborg doesn’t show everything to everyone so this was a long shot, but I think one that paid off. (The post was hardly touched on the big F, as in hardly any ‘likes’ and only a few comments) but the amount of views of the post was impressive.
Will I do more of those posts?
I really don’t know. It felt good to do this one. The people who saw this now should be a little more educated about naturism and its benefits, and those who aren’t won’t ever be, so I doubt that hammering them with more is going to pay off.
But it felt good.
Sunday Noon Nudist
A naturist’s view on “forest bathing’
Forest bathing?
Yep. Forest bathing. It’s not that you shower with leaves (although it’s an option), but it’s a Japanese practice. It merely means that you go among the trees. Trees and other forms of nature have a positive influence on people. They bring peace and rest, and stress levels go down rapidly when among trees.
I love going into the forest and lucky me, I have a small one right across the street. Forests are good. They provide air, shade, good smells (usually) and… you can bathe in them. Quoting from the site I linked to up there:
Forest bathing—basically just being in the presence of trees—became part of a national public health program in Japan in 1982 when the forestry ministry coined the phrase shinrin-yoku and promoted topiary as therapy.
The entire article is quite a read but worth the while, I think. It tells you so much about trees and being in a forest. There’s no need to walk, run or do anything. Leave your Fitbit at home, there’s no race, no record to break. The only thing you should break there is the tidal wave of stress and other impressions that life throws at you.
The article doesn’t mention nudity so if you’re looking for nekkid people you’re out of luck, but if you’re there and you have the opportunity… take off your stuff and enjoy the forest in the most natural way. Naked.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Fixing things. Not bothered by textile. The way to do it.
A naturist’s view on nipples.
Nipples. The dangerous body parts.
Nipples are difficult and dangerous, or so it seems. Even more so than skilled karate hands and tae-kwon-do feet.
Nipples – let me rephrase that – female nipples are so dangerous that they need to be blurred on ‘regular’ television and in most media.
What is wrong with them?
Recently I listened to a podcast of the Naturist Living Show about breasts and nipples. The things I heard there were astounding…
In that show Stéphane talked about a plastic surgeon that corrected breasts, either to enlarge them or to make them smaller, but also how a woman was changed into a man. The odd thing, he said, was that – when the patient was still a woman, her nipples were blurred. After the procedure of removing the breast tissue was completed (note that this was still the same person but now considered a man), the nipples were shown on television without any form of censorship. The very same nipples! Talk about hypocrisy…
Free the nipple.
It’s because of this idiocy (the only word that fits the bill) that I support movements like Free the Nipple.
Everyone has a body. A body is natural. Why should specific, tiny parts of the female body be regarded as dangerous, illegal, immoral or otherwise be put in a bad light?
Free the nipple. Free the body. Every body.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Sunday Noon Nudist
I’m ready for this kind of weather by now…
A naturist’s view on Point Of View
Point Of View
Point of view? For naturism or nudism? How does this matter, you might ask? Well, for me there’s a big difference between points of view. I was struck by that again when I saw a tweet that pointed this out very clearly to me. Maybe, after reading this post, you’ll see my point.
The tweet
This is the text of the tweet and the image that came with it. You can find the original tweet here.
Well, you may ask, what’s wrong with this? Isn’t this what naturists and nudists stand for? To this I say yes and no. The answer depends on, you guessed it, the point of view.
Yes. Waking up naked is good. There are lots of studies all over the Internet that show how sleeping in the nude is healthy. It’s also most comfortable. The people who sleep naked know this. It’s a valiant attempt to convinced people who sleep all dressed up to try this.
No. And here we switch to another point of view.
The wording in this tweet depict nudity as something extraordinary. Wake up NAKED. Have coffee NUDE. Emphasis, emphasis. Be CLOTHESFREE for the rest of the day. More emphasis. This speaks as if the person creating the tweet also finds these things amazing and out of the ordinary. A mindset that leans towards textilism. (Is that actually a word; a person who thinks the way textiles think?)
My way of phrasing this would be:
- Wake up,
- have coffee,
- and remain #clothesfree for the rest of the day…
A changed point of view

Do you see the difference? My version, the one I’d love to live (especially the third one as that’s close to impossible), comes from the naked mind, the way of taking nude life as normal.
The first one, pointing out the naked awakening and the coffee in the nude, feels to me as if it originates from what I might call a ‘convert’, someone who is trying to live the nude life but still has his or her hooks and anchors in the dressed manner of being.
Challenging the mind
Of course, as you may have understood by now, this is a tournament of the mind. A way to think differently, to embrace the concept of nudity, naturism, the clothes-free life, or however you want to call it in another way.
Sunday Noon Nudist
Doing it right!