As this article on says:
Hey North Hollywood! Did you know that Sunday, July 14 is International Nude Day? This holiday originated in New Zealand when former rugby star and TV presenter Marc Ellis dared people to streak in front of Prime Minister Helen Clark. I guess there are many fans of nudity because in the past five years more than 30 countries now celebrate International Nude Day.
So nudists, naturists, nekkid people, whatever label you like, get out and be naked with a vengeance coming Sunday.
Yesterday I had a lucky moment and was able to go to our local nude beach. As I walked the last stretch, I met a young lady who was clearly training for the 4 day marches that are held in my area next week. We struck up a bit of a conversation and at one point she told me that someone had come up to her and asked her where the nude beach was.Her eyes became big even as she recounted the event, as if she’d been asked to help kill someone and then hide the body.
I asked her if she had been able to point that person in the right direction. She hadn’t. Well, as I was going there, it was only a matter of time before she learnt where the nude beach is. As I wished her happy walking and headed for the entrance to the beach (it’s a small gate to pass through) she stared at me for a bit. I assured her the beach was there, as she could also see on the large sign that’s posted right next to it.
She didn’t make any remarks about it. That’s good. Maybe she’ll be able to help others out with her new-found knowledge.
Yes. That’s where I spent most of the past 2 days, at a local beach full (okay, technically not full but quite nicely occupied, especially today) of nude people. It’s a naturist a.k.a. nudist beach as you may have suspected.
Nude beach. (Not ours.)
The great thing is that it’s not about the nude. It’s about the people. The fact that they don’t wear anything is just something they share and appreciate. On our small beach there are all kinds of people. Young, old, single, couple, groups, anywhere from 5 to 85 I think. And all those people ‘live together’ on that beach in the sun, in or near the water. Everyone’s friendly, everyone looks after the little kids when they go in or near the lake, and most everyone’s up to sharing what they have with them, be it tea, coffee, water, cookies, wine of just nice company.
Today there were 2 people at the beach playing concert flutes, and they treated the beach-goers to a free, short concert. It was actually very nice music and was well received. All that on an afternoon at the beach. A nudist beach. For me it’s better than a non-nude beach.
A little while ago I wrote a blog post about clothes and not wearing any. In that post I inserted a small nudist image of myself that I took on my vacation in England. I stored that image on, a place that usually is quite good about storing images with undressed people. However, when I looked at the blog post a day later, the image was gone. It was replaced by a placeholder stating that the image was removed as it offended against Photobucket’s regulations and national laws.
The offending image in question is this one (original size too):
Deleted by Photobucket.
(obviously no longer hosted on Photobucket)
As you see, there’s nothing explicit or offending in it (at least, I think so). The interesting bit is that Photobucket doesn’t have any qualms about hosting a picture that shows a woman with full frontal nudity:
(Image linked directly from Photobucket, same image, original size as well.)
Is it really so horrible and offending to look at a nude man that ‘national law’ makes them take down that picture? Or is this more something that Photobucket themselves enforce without being honest about it? I can imagine that there are more men working there than women, and most of them probably aren’t nudist or naturist, nor understanding of that. Am I wrong in assuming that they’d rather see a naked woman than a naked man, just because the emphasis is on ‘naked’? Probably not.
My picture does not show child-porn, it’s not explicit in any sexual way. I’m simply leaning on a wall and look out over the area. And I’m wearing no clothes. In the other picture a woman is walking over a beach and carries a surf board. And she is wearing no clothes.
I dare state that accepted nudity would eliminate this discriminatory problem. After all, nude is nude, regardless if it concerns a man or a woman. As long as nudity is considered something to be secretive about, the general public will never be educated and nudism will never become a normal (accepted) thing.
This is probably better for Photobucket.
It’s too bad that the definition of norms always rests with a majority. After all, a majority can mean that all the fools are on one side…
We have created one of the world’s easiest to use App which will enable you to find all the nudist and naturist events , parties , meet-up groups , beaches , groups, organizations and destinations anywhere in the world at a click of a button.
A few screenshots (more on the site itself):
The iPhone app is available here. Since the development of the iPhone app, an Android app has also become available, which you can find on the Google Play-store here. Unfortunately the reviews on both sides are not very flattering, but they’re quite dated. Too bad, since either version of the app will cost you $6.99.
Perhaps the program has been updated, so use at own risk!
Another app for the iphone is, an app that will help you find places to swim in the nude all over the world.
If you join the fun and you’re on twitter or Google+, consider posting yourself reading naked and use the hashtag #readnaked. 🙂 (Facebook won’t let you, mark my words.)
Kleren zijn gewoon lastig. Vaak duurt het lang voor je iets vindt dat je aanstaat, dan moet je zoeken naar de juiste maat, en als dat allemaal gedaan is moet je op vanalles en nog wat letten zodat je je mooie dure nieuwe kleren niet verknoeit. En dan moet je ook nog oppassen dat je ze kunt blijven dragen.
Is dit makkelijk?
Kleren zijn beperkend. Hoe je het ook draait of keer, tenzij je iets draagt dat 2 maten te groot is zal er altijd iets strak zitten, de bloedstroom afknijpen, op een paar spieren drukken of andere leuke dingen. Om nog maar niet te denken aan de omstandigheden waaronder veel van die kleding wordt gemaakt, door mensen die te lang en hard moeten werken voor te weinig beloning, zodat anderen hun zakken nog wat meer kunnen vullen.
Kleren helpen ook om jezelf te verstoppen. Koop iets duurs en je ziet er duur uit, ook al ben je niet rijk genoeg om rijk te zijn.
Kijk eens naar nudisme.
Gooi die kleren eens uit. Wees jezelf. Accepteer en waardeer je lichaam zoals nudisten en naturisten doen. Het is bevrijdend, en tegelijk een statement dat je de standaarden weggooit die de moderne maatschappij op je drukt. Leef naar je eigen standaarden. Denk er eens serieus over, en wees eerlijk. Verwar je dat wat iedereen denkt niet met wat jij zelf denkt? Stap uit je kleren in de veiligheid van je eigen woning, in je slaapkamer, met de deur op slot zodat niemand je ziet. Ontdek wie je echt bent. Probeer het verschillende keren, om aan het idee en het gevoel te wennen, de sensatie en het zien van je eigen lijf. Het is van jou, ongehinderd door kleding. Proef de vrijheid waarmee je je opeens kunt bewegen.