Naturism, books, COVID-19 and natives

Yes. Talk about a strange mix of subjects for one blog post. Please, read on.

A few days ago I listened to a podcast in the “Stuff they don’t want you to know” series. Maybe you know it. This specific episode was called “Indigenous Tribes, Covid & PPE”.

To my shock and horror I discovered that Native Americans are heavily affected by the COVID pandemic, and that in most cases and states, hardly a thing is done to help them, or even to educate them on the issues.

I know that the United States have many problems, and many people will shrug this off. I, however, am not many people. If you know my “Naked Crow” books, you may know that Native Americans play an important part in the stories.

The thing that really hit me, as stated in the podcast, was that “Doctors Without Borders” is stepping in to help Native Americans. This may not mean much to you, but this organisation usually steps in when a situation in a third world country is hopeless.

So what does this have to do with books?

In a previous blog post I mentioned “Murder in the nudist colony”. An anthology with death in all kinds of nudist places (just to stay on the cheerful side of life of course). All the proceeds of this book will go to Doctors Without Borders. After learning that this organisation is on the move to help the original Americans, this means even more to me. So here is your chance to help that organisation!

Murder in the nudist colony.

Pre-order it on Amazon, or on another e-book platform. Select your favourite one here.

On behalf of all the authors and other contributors to this publication, I thank you!

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “Naturism, books, COVID-19 and natives”

  1. I’ve pre-ordered the Kindle edition from Amazon. Glad to see the proceeds will go to MSF. Looking forward to another good read, after I finish Naked Crow #9.

    BTW Paul, I ‘recognize’ the places you mention in NC#9. I lived in Regina 1971 – 76, went sailing on Last Mountain Lake, enjoyed the flatness of the prairies, paddled the kayak I built on a lake in Moose Mountain Provincial Park. Never saw any palm trees, even artificial ones.

    How flat are the prairies? Farmer anecdote: ‘My dog ran away last week. I stood on the grain bin, and watched him go for two days…’

    1. Hello Mark,

      Thank you for your words. I had fun figuring out a few locations around Regina. Of course, Palm Park and its palms are entirely my doing. I would have been surprised if you had actually found them. 😉

      And those are some flat prairies… that made me laugh!!

  2. Paul,

    I just finished the first story in your new ebook. It proves to be interesting. Amazon was right on time with the delivery and I found it in my library on the 21st.
    A few years ago I wrote some stories about a nudist organization in CA and have included them on my website: They are short works and I would be interested in any reactions from you and your readers.
    BTW, I too appreciate the profit donation to MSF.

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