Let me tell you that the last week (officially 1.5 weeks) has been an interesting one.
Working from home isn’t new for me, so that was easy to get adjusted to. Being able to grab a coffee and enjoy that naked outside is a new perk of this situation. I don’t do that all the time because we still have a very chilly spring, but in the afternoon this is definitely a very enjoyable possibility. Since I live on the fourth floor (fifth for American readers), I’m in a safe zone, away from other people, which is definitely good.

Something else that I have found is laundry. Working from home means I don’t have to put on clothes. Which means the laundry basket is only filling up with towels and a few pairs of socks. Yes, laugh all you want but wearing socks means I don’t have cold feet.
And doing laundry naked is another good thing, although that’s not something new for me. Being a naturist, there is hardly another way unless it’s too cold to be naked. Let me add that I haven’t had the need to run a load of laundry since I started working from home. The few towels and socks don’t warrant starting the washing machine, which is a sign that naturism is good for the environment. No washing water, no detergent, no electricity needed for the machine or the tumble dryer (if you use such a contraption). Less wear of the clothes, so no need to replace those quicker either.

A good thing too is that I don’t have to be dressed to join meetings. It’s simply a matter of not having the webcam on when I have to have a talk with a coworker or a customer. Who knows if the person on the other side is dressed or not. I honestly don’t care. We get the job done, and that’s what matters. I don’t need more proof that professionals can be naked and do their job; I’ve noticed that more than often in the past years. Clothes literally only add fabric, nothing more.
Perhaps you are new to working from home and it all feels a bit uncomfortable. I have found a link for you with a bunch of tips (32 of them!) that actually work. Because if you have to work from home, make sure you have the best setup you can manage.
And don’t forget: anything worth doing well is worth doing naked!

Stay safe, everyone. Be naked, happy and responsible.