Normal society
I'm weird. Many people tell me I am. And not about 1 thing. Here's the whole gammut.



And there is probably more, which they aren't even telling me about.
Who in a sane mind is all that? One of them is bad enough.
Probably. I don't care. This is me and my life, and I intend to live it to my joy, not to that of others. I'm not pushing any of my lifestyle choices down someone's throat. Even when they eat here, they eat vegan on their own accord - because there's nothing else.
Being an atheist has a long background, I won't bore you with it unless you really care to know.
Being a naturist started almost as long ago as my atheism, and no, they have nothing to do with each other. Things happen, and I'm glad those did.

Care to have a god you pray to, and who helps you find your car keys - praise the lord! - while kids suffer from leukaemia and are at the mercy of that same god? Sure. Power to you and your god. It's not my sky-wizard.
Not a naturist because that's not normal? Keep your clothes on, set the world on fire with air conditioning and such.
This 'normal' society is screwed up so much I'm proud not to be part of it. I'm my own society, by choice and development.
That's it. I just had to dump this somewhere, and why not here?