More on the muscles
A few weeks I wrote something for the old folks, about age and muscles.
Here's a small update.

There were workdays of 10 or more hours that I didn't keep it. For - probably - obvious reasons.
The repetition of the curls, or arm bends, went from 10 to 15 to 20 (but not always). The weight used went from 4 kg (8.8 lbs) per hand to 6 kg (13.2 lbs). Yes, I looked that up for all you quarterpounders. Remember those numbers, I'm not going to repeat them.
The side arm lifts went up to 16 and then 20, sometimes even 25, with the 4 kg dumbbells. I admit, that amount is still a bit painful with the last few, but it's getting better.
The back / butt lift is up to 25 from 10, so I'm pleased with that too.
The sideways chest press upwards, or whatever you call that, is up to a staggering 26 times with the 6 kg per hand weights. Scary, I'm turning into the hulk.
And then I found the (presumed) 6kg weights are actually a bit over 7kg. Oops. I took some weight off, because I don't want to overdo things. They're 6.5kg now.
The lunges, my no time favourites, are up to 14 to 18 now. I do those with the 6.5kg dumbbells in hand, to make it more 'interesting'.
To that, I've managed to keep up walking in an okay-ish manner. Again, the long workdays are breaking that routine, as does the heatwave we're suddenly in again.
Now it's confession time. What do you old folks do to stay fit?