On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

Isn't that cold!

A while ago I was at the wellness resort again. It wasn't very warm around 4 C (39 F in American) but the weather was great to walk outside naked to cool off after a sauna of steam bath visit.

Thermometer in snow
It surprised me a bit to see lots of people who had robes on, or big towels wrapped around them, and one lady asked me if I wasn't very cold wearing nothing.

I assured her that she probably felt colder than I was, because the temperature difference between her bare skin and the covered parts was very large, while my skin was cool all over, so no major change in temperature.

She nodded, but I don't think she actually got the message. The lady was definitely not a naturist, or she'd probably have known.

Right? Are naturist generally aware of this fact? I suddenly wonder, because naturists usual rely on nice weather (like clothed-minded people do).


