On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

In our faces

I could have named this post differently. For instance:

Wink dick
"Why do some people not understand that a camera doesn't need to point between your spread legs, giving us a full and all but close-up view of your genitals, if you feel the need to post a picture to prove you're nude?"

But that's a bit of a long name for a blog post, isn't it?

It does get the message across, I agree but... it's a bit long.

Now, to the actual topic...

There are many ways to picture yourself nude. None of them require a camera position as I described in the post title I didn't use.

Paul nude at desk
From behind is a good one, especially if you're afraid to show your face. If you fear you will be recognised by your hairdo, you can wear a mask over that. (This is a free pro tip. 😉 )

From the side, sitting in a chair. No need to have the dangly bits, a.k.a. penis, hanging down in full and most prominent view, as additional proof it's as nude as you are. Trust me. We know you're naturists, and you're not wrapping up Willy in secret.

Nude man at a beach
That's not to say it's forbidden, of course, but being a bit more selective about how you portray yourself... I think several people around the interwebz will appreciate that.

Honestly, we know you have the attributes that come with your gender. No need to hang them in our faces to prove it. Of course, someone's favourite followers, like BigDaddy987, BoarHunk or GuyLoverxxx might be a bit put off if you start doing this, but if someone thrives on such followers, they're not in the same naturist class I prefer to spend time in.

Wink dick
Here's a penis with a person behind it!

I hope the people, who understand this post is about their pictorial efforts, will become a bit more creative about them. In a 2019 post I went into a tiny bit of detail around the topic (The Selfie Situation).

Again, this post is not meant to insult anyone. Yes, I mean insult, because that's not the same as offend. Insulting comes from my end. Feeling offended comes from the receiving end. I have a special relationship with "feeling offended". One I share with Stephen Fry.
