On the joy of being naked
Nudity is permitted beyond this point.

How low can you go?

In the north, autumn is kicking in.

Today, temperatures dropped down to 14C. 2 days ago it was still 24C (which is much too warm for the time of year.)

14C - 57F 24C - 75F
21C - 69F  
Nude on ice

Some people can go nude in the coldest of places. I can't, unless it's for a challenge - which I hardly ever do.

Vintage nudist on skis

I'm mostly a home nudist, and I love being nude in my home. Well, duh. However, with temperatures diving, I'm putting on clothes. Inside temperature has gone to 21C and that is not my nude temperature. 23C is fine when I'm moving about, doing things. Not moving, I need at least 25C inside to feel comfortable. Perhaps that's because I'm getting older; I remember being much more hardened against lower temperatures in past years.

Heating up the house to comfortable temperatures, in order to avoid the dreaded fabric prison, would be an option, but with current energy prices it is an expensive option. As I call myself naturist, not nudist, I try to keep in touch with nature. I want to add to the assault on natural resources to warm things up.

Hence the question this started with:

How low can you go? At which temperature do you still feel comfortable in the nude?

Are you one of those polar bear types who happily whistles when the ice is forming over your ears? Do you heat up your living space to stay naked? And what temperatures work for you? I'm really curious to see the differences.

Thanks for reading along this far!

