Clothing optional
We all know it. Clothing optional. Many are proponents, many are opponents. I find my own stance on it shifting.
I once read a comment by someone, stating:
A clothing optional beach is like serving burgers in a vegetarian restaurant
At that time I agreed with that. I've come to see it differently. The above statement, for me, says that the place is not a vegetarian restaurant any more. It's a clothed restaurant with clothing-optional dishes.

Do you have experience with this? Have you encountered problems at clothing optional places, where the clothed are taking over and making things hard on the natural folks?
I'm avoiding clothing optional areas. Somehow it doesn't feel right with me, mixing the two. The chances, especially these days, of people coming out to just gawk and perhaps even take sneaky pictures, are just too much for my peace of mind. And yes, that's sad.
