We all know the lure of the skinny-dip. The swimming experience without the slug of wet fabric.
I wonder... do you still have places in the wild, like beaches, where you can do that and stay healthy?

But ever so often there are warnings out that the water is bad. Most of the time the problem here are blue-green algae. They are very bad, even when they're big oxygen-suppliers. This kind of algae can be poisonous. Skin irritation would be the least of your problems. Accidentally swallowing a bit of wrong type and you will have intestinal problems which won't make you a happy camper for a while. Even worse, if the algae die and aren't removed, they can create a toxic layer.
I worry there will be fewer and fewer places where we can go swimming, with the current state of the world. Who doesn't want anyone, like the kid on the right, to have some swimming fun? And I do include the ones in bathing attire here, because fun shouldn't be limited to the nude community alone (although we do have more fun! 😉 )
Let's hope things stop getting worse soon. At least we're doing our part, by not buying expensive swimwear which serves no other purpose than to make companies richer.
Do you still have safe spaces in the wild where you can go?