but the real thing is forbidden.
I keep being surprised by the hypocrisy of the clothed world. Really, sometimes I think I’ve seen and heard it all, but the clothed world keeps proving me wrong.
Take the image up here. Apparently it’s just fine. Nothing wrong with it.
Just a very young face with very big eyes. A happy, loving face. Cute, because big eyes are a sign of the very young (as in babies etc.)
A bit lower: quite a “rack”. Yes, rather large breasts for such a young face. Of course, “it’s just a drawing, what are you making a fuss about?”.
Well… considering the fact that clothed people are making quite the row over nude swims where children are present…
…this is something that’s so adverse to this all.
The people who condone drawings like that feel, to me (do note that), like child molesters without the guts (which is good). Why else would they like images of young girls with huge breasts? Is there something repressed inside those people?
Nudists who like to swim in the nude (hey, where does nudist come from?) with their children are the pedophiles, while people who (I think) have this subconscious craving for images like the one at the very top are the normal ones.
Sorry. Not buying that.