Hey. You.

Yes. You. Do you like being nude? Do you like being among other nude people? Yes? If so, do you know how wealthy you are?
Really. I’m not kidding. I’m convinced that people like you and I are among the emotionally wealthiest folks around. The most mentally mature too in ways. Because we know people. Real people.

Nude people. Surprising? Hardly, I’d say. Nudists and naturists have overcome the ‘problems’ that so many people in this world have with skin, with a proper body. We know how real people look. We don’t need Photoshop to look our unattainable best either. All we need to do it take off our clothes and there we are. Our naked best.
The more time I spend in the nude, either alone or with others, the more I am surprised how being this way can ever be a problem. Of course, we all know it is because of the big brainwash that is advertisement, crazy body ideals that will never be possible, and the general fear of nudity as proclaimed by many forms of religion and other groups.
I know there are (religious) groups that aren’t scared of the naked body. That’s a good thing. I don’t dabble in religion but if ever I’d have to, I’d pick one where being naked would be the accepted norm, not something to be frowned upon.

But no matter what your preference is, religion-wise, the fact that you are reading this (and hopefully agreeing), tells me you’re a rich person. Rich in awareness that all bodies are good bodies. Perfect bodies, having become so after accepting what life threw at them. Not picture-perfect (as in Photoshop and so on) but, indeed, body-perfect.
The wealth of not being scared of nudity is something money can’t buy. It’s something experience and personal growth brings. Sometimes also upbringing, if you are/were fortunate enough to have open-minded, nudity embracing parents.
For that, I congratulate you, wealthy fellow human being.