Does that sound strange?
Well, maybe you have never heard of a sun allergy but it exists. In several forms even. Some people call it sun poisoning, which is pretty to the point.

Note: this is not me. 😉
As I wrote a while ago, I have a condition known as Lupus. In the linked post I wonder if that disease numbers my days as a naturist. After this summer, with plenty of sunny days, I can say yes and no.
Yes, because going out into the sun wouldn’t be smart. My affliction shows itself as a rash on my arms and legs, and it itches like you wouldn’t believe. But there’s more (just as with any month in this year). I’m not going to bore you with all that, but it’s no fun. I really have to watch myself when the sun is out. So yes, being an outside, in the sunshine naturist isn’t happening for me until there is a cure for lupus. (This link takes you to info on the Mayo Clinic website. TLDR: Lupus is an auto-immune disease.) I’m not holding my breath on that one.
But the good news is that not everything happens outside. There is also inside, and the apartment was pretty hot during our heatwave. Guess what I wore.

What, an anorak? Are you out of your bloody mind?
NOTHING! If this shocks you, then what are you doing here? LOL!
So that is the good news. As long as the sun shines outside, I can be naked. Inside.
And at night I can go out in the nude. Well, as long as the temperature isn’t trying to kill me, right?