First off, let me tell you that I am not one to like snow, ice and other cold things, unless they come in a glass when the weather is very nice.
I used to be different. Cold wouldn’t affect me that much, some 15 to 20 years ago. But time passes, the body changes and heat requirements change with it.
It was a very cold day today. It also was a very cold day yesterday. -2C yesterday, +1C today. (Fahrenheit lovers, do your math.) Some of you will laugh and tell me that -2C isn’t cold. -25C is cold, or -54C is cold. You’re all correct, that is cold.
-2C and +1C is cold for me, and I’m the one writing this blog, so keep on reading, if only for entertainment purposes.
White stuff
That being said, there is a kind of white stuff that I like. My friend, Al Yankovic, actually made a song about it.
For now, that is almost as far as I go with white stuff – unless I forget something, which is quite possible. I got the booster vaccination yesterday, and since around 2pm (14:00) I started feeling a bit beside myself.
Another white stuff I appreciate is the top of waves as they come in from the sea or the ocean. Again, the best way to enjoy those is when the temperature is nice and the water inviting.
What are your favourite things to do in the snow and on the ice? I guess you can figure out mine. 🙂