I throw out a daily, naturist related tweet. One of them is:
I wonder who wears the pants in a house full of nudists…

PANTS? Yes. We all know them. Some people call them trousers. The contraptions with two pipes made of fabric to put around your legs, and that also has a wider tube on top to wrap around your hips and your butt. I think I made this clear enough. If not, click here.
Many people online respond to this tweet. It’s fun and also the goal of that tweet. Engagement, making people tell how they feel about things, that’s the fun and power of Twitter. But this post is not about Twitter. (Are you on Twitter already?)
This post is about pants. If this is a punch in your naturist gut, I apologise and I will understand that you do not want to read on. You’re excused.
An, you are still here. Good. Pants. I’ve worn them since I was small. Many men have, and many women have too.
As many naturists, nudists and other clothes-free minds can attest: pants can be annoying. Very much so. Pants can be tight. Squeeze. Cut off your circulation. Force your genitals into a shape that isn’t pleasant. Studies have shown that tight pants aren’t healthy.

And they can make you look very awkward in the right situation. Or the wrong situation. Please check the image ->
Pants are useful, for sure, but why do they have to be “stylish” in that manner? Why are baggy pants “wrong”? And why are skirts (for men) frowned upon unless you consider kilts in Scotland?
I seriously wonder why men shouldn’t wear skirts when it’s not appropriate to be nude. Skirts give much more space to move. Squatting down in a skirt is much easier than in (tight!) pants. Of course, the feeling of being naked can’t be surpassed, but with the anal retentive way of thinking of the majority, we can forget about that for now.

How do men think about wearing skirts to free your genitals from oppression? (Or is that suppression? The squeeze?) And how do women think about men wearing skirts for that same reason? (Note that I am not considering the prettiness of legs. This is not an issue in Scotland either, as far as I am informed.)
Looking forward to any and all responses. In naked happiness as long as I can.