Nude 24/7

Question to you, fellow nudists and naturists: would you like to be nude 24/7? All the time? Everywhere? I assume the answer is yes. That didn’t surprise me.

I know there are people who can actually do that. Somewhere online I saw a video on where they talked to a man who works in a nudist resort in Florida. He hadn’t been in clothes for over 3 months. In such an environment that’s possible. But let’s face it, most people aren’t that lucky. We’re not all in California or Egypt or Mexico where it’s almost always warm and nice. Most people require a form of clothing just to keep warm because the environment is too unfriendly to nudists. Our spring weather in the first 2 weeks of May averaged 12c / 53F and we had a lot of rain. Not the weather to go around naked, even if you want to.



So grab your chance when it presents itself!