3 kilometres is not the world

I just returned from my first naked bike ride.

A proper naked bike ride.

As the title says it was not the world – unfortunately I could not make it to the official World Naked Bike Ride event in Amsterdam today. However, with the weather a bit cool, a chance of rain and the urge to really ride a bike naked I went out, loosely dressed, to a spot where I suspected no people. (I don’t need trouble, I don’t want to upset folks.) At the spot I took off my stuff and got on the bike. Well, lucky me met a runner who was coming my way. Before I could decide if I should put my stuff on again he was next to me and past me so that solved itself. After less than a kilometre it started to rain lightly. It felt wonderful. Not cold at all, contrary to how it would feel in textile. I rode along, turned left and right a few times and then retraced my route to where I had started. At that point I had to put my clothes on again, and what horror that was. It felt far too warm, the rain suddenly became annoying (even when it did not rain any harder), and it also felt as if the wind pushed harder against me than when I was naked.

First thing upon coming home was getting rid of the clothes, which made me feel a lot better. However the feeling of them, I’m glad I went out and did these 3km on the bike. It wasn’t far, it wasn’t dashing, but – they’re done.