Naked Yoga School (over 200 episodes)

Did you ever try naked yoga? Did you every try yoga at all? It’s not about being flexible enough to put your leg in your neck while standing on the finger tips of your left hand. It’s about becoming and being healthy. Have a look at Naked Yoga School, with over 200 episodes of exercises. There has to be something in it for you!

Note: be careful, try the exercises at your own risk. They are labelled in difficulty; don’t start with anything advanced when you’re not advanced!

Vitamin D

Vitamin D? And here you are thinking that this is a blog about nudism. Well, it is. And vitamin D is an important part of nudism. Bear and bare with me. What does Wikipedia say about vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids responsible for enhancing intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate. In humans, the most important compounds in this group are vitamin D3 (also known as cholecalciferol) and vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol).

Okay, not very impressive nor clear. But when we also see this:

Although vitamin D is commonly called a vitamin, it is not actually an essential dietary vitamin in the strict sense, as it can be synthesized in adequate amounts by most mammals exposed to sunlight.

then things suddenly look different. Sunlight. A vitamin you get through sunlight? Wow, that’s easy “food” then! But – take notice. Exposed to sunlight doesn’t mean that your clothes take care of it. It’s the skin that picks up the sunlight and transforms that into vitamin D. Hey, do you see a link to nudism? The more skin is exposed to the sun, the more vitamin D you pick up without doing anything else than being out in the sun!

Working on vitamin D intake

As you see, there’s not much to taking in vitamins this way. It’s healthy, pleasurable and you can read something interesting too.

Active vitamin D intake!

You can, of course, also actively go about and enjoy the sunshine in another way.

An interesting observation in Medical News Today is: “People who are exposed to normal quantities of sunlight do not need vitamin D supplements because sunlight promotes sufficient vitamin D synthesis in the skin.” Again, this does require that the skin is exposed to take in the sunlight. The same web page also notes: “Researchers from Boston University School of Medicine found that higher vitamin D levels in healthy individuals have a significant impact on the genes that are involved in several biologic pathways associated with illnesses, including cancer, autoimmune disease, cardiovascular disease and infectious diseases.”

And since we’re talking sunshine: did you know that sunscreen is one of the reasons that people get too little vitamin D even when they’re out in the sun? Sunscreen prevents the skin to take in the sunlight because of the UV blockers that it contains. You can go out in the sun without sunscreen, but only if you’re sensible about it.

  1. Stay inside on the hot part of the day. It’s too warm to do anything anyway, so take a nap or read something.
  2. Stay out of the sun during the noon hours when the sun is hottest. Also a parasol won’t help, UV goes through that.
  3. Get used to the sun in smaller doses. Don’t go from 0 to 60 in no time, give your skin time to start absorbing UV without getting burnt.

Sunburn is the reason for most skin cancers. Skin cancer happens least with people who have outside jobs; their skin is used to sunlight and has a resistance already. When you’re pale (and I look at myself too), take care. Don’t over do it. And then you won’t need sunscreen. If you need information from another place, have a look at Realfoodforager – why I stopped using sunscreen. Enjoy the sun, and show your skin. It’s beautiful.

Health benefits of nudism

Hello. Have you ever considered the health benefits of being nude as much as possible?

Now, you may state that clothes are healthy as they keep you warm when it’s cold, and everyone will fully agree with you. But what about the times when it’s not cold? When the temperature is just right for (or too much for even) t-shirts or less, for shorts or swimming trunks? So many people then still cover themselves up with textile.

As stated on

If you put a plaster cast on a broken arm the skin starves for Vitamin D, the muscles weaken due to strangled range of motion, the nerve synapses depress to a whimper of their former joy. Twenty-first century hominids? We shroud our entire skin palette except for face, neck and hands – we obliterate symbiosis with the planet.

Benefitsofnudism, a blogspot blog:

The Sun Helps Clear Up Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease which turns your skin purple. Those suffering from psoriasis are treated by dermatologists by having the patient sit under a flourescent light, simulating the rays of the sun. Going nude does the exact same thing. It’s cheaper, plus it’s a lot more fun.

Maybe you’ve wondered why nudists are so often depicted as healthy “despite being naked”. Well, that’s exactly the reason: they are healthy (healthier) because they’re naked so much. All the skin is allowed to breathe instead of only hands and face.

Also, you have less hassle with clothes. Now what’s that to do with health? How about less stress about what to wear, and less need for laundry detergent (which is good for the environment)?

Also, when meeting other nude people, the encounter is healthier. There is no difference between a business tycoon or a factory worker when they’re both in their birthday suit. It cuts away any class barrier that might be there.

Nudism and nature

I think that one of the biggest problems of today is that people are closed-minded “by nature”. By their environment, by the dogmas that are tossed onto them, by interpretations of religion, by the sad but true conviction that nudity is bad. “Sinful” even, as nudism/naturism these days is so often 1 on 1 connected to sex and porn, while it has nothing to do with that.

Being nude for no other reason than to be nude means being in direct and constant touch with your skin, and that again means being in touch with nature itself, something that most people these days seem to be scared of, or have forgotten/repressed. If something is not sterilised and wrapped in 3 layers of plastic, it’s unhealthy. Many kids in schools these days don’t dare to drink milk from a cow, because “real milk comes from the factory”. You don’t get your hands dirty any more, you wear gloves and a ton of protective clothing that needs to be cleaned afterwards.

Getting dirty when you’re nude means you wash yourself afterwards. That’s all there is to it. No attack on nature with the detergents needed for cleaning clothes, no disposable things (unless you need something to stay safe and/or in one piece).

Nude lumberjacks

There should nothing wrong with being naked, as long as others aren’t bothered by it. Let’s start with being nude in nature, in an uninhibited way. Everyone’s seen a naked body, and when you meet someone who’s nude you can see that this person literally has nothing to hide.

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

A post I located on Facebook. (Copied here in full as not everyone is on there, and it’s too good not to share.)

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Nudism, Compassion and Spirituality

Friends, wish to share some insights about Naturism and the spiritual values associated with it…What is needed is a subtle shift in the way we perceive things.

Health benefits:
The sweat that we have over the body (as the body is covered with clothes all the time) is the cause of various ailments and when the fresh air & light touches the body, it revitalizes the entire body.

We need to cover the body with clothes during extreme weather conditions and when we do our activities in the world but, we cover the body fully even when clothes aren’t required…This is one of the major reason why we suffer from multiple diseases / ailments.
Nude Sun bathing is very good for health and (if we can sun bath during for 1-2 hours between 7-9 am / 4.30 – 6.30 pm) we need not visit hospitals forever!
Being nude is compassion towards ourselves; being compassionate to our body and mind by not harming them…Love / compassion towards the world in the first place, includes this aspect of loving our body as well…

Spiritual side of Nudism: All of us here are spiritual, I mean everyone of us!

Being naked implies that we are getting used to living naturally, the way we have come to this world and slowly, we will let go of the inhibitions that we initially have towards nudism.
The attraction & desire one gets while seeing someone dressed nicely / scantily, will not be there while looking at someone who is naked…That way, being nude, we get rid of the inhibitions and other undesirable qualities and instill a sense of peace in others mind as well…
contrary to the popular belief, Nudism is part of ancient spiritual traditions / practices, and its been practiced in various degrees, even to this day…Many of our saints / sages (including women) have remained nude because it helped them to keep good health and for their spiritual betterment.
To start with, we do away with liking / thinking about the kind of clothes we need to purchase and preferences for the same.Anything that helps one to reduce the flow of thoughts is immensely spiritual…
We can remain nude @home and at other places with like minded people; that would enable us to evolve and understand the spiritual benefits of being nude in a group; there might be some initial excitation getting to see people naked, that would go away in due course of time.
Being naked does not mean that we get involved in a sexual act. It might happen according to the situation (as otherwise! nothing to feel bad about it; only if one can remain without loosing the vital energy, that would make it a spiritual experience) but it need not translate into sex, and that will be wonderful as well.
Many of our deeper experiences take us closer to higher states of consciousness. Our true nature is happiness and that’s why every human being seek pleasure in the world.

Two (subtle) things we need to be conscious about:

Need to be watchful or alert about what is happening within us at sub conscious level; we have to just pay attention; this awareness/ witnessing has to be there all the time, whatever activities we may be performing in the world…
Secondly, need to train ourselves, not to look back (to the extent possible) at the acts that we have done / events that have happened earlier. That way, we avoid getting to past and we get stabilized in the present moment. And, if we can do that, then anything that we do in the present would make us intensely spiritual…

Why do nudists look so healthy and happy?

Good question, don’t you agree? I mean, look at them:

Nudists on a beach

All tanned, nekkid and not a worry to their mind, it seems. Don’t be fooled. They have many of the same worries as you have; mortgage, bills, all the usual. One thing they don’t have after a day like this is a lot of laundry.

But, perhaps… perhaps these people look so healthy because they are. Far too many people get too little air and light on their skin, which makes for an unhealthy body. Of course, you may argue that the sun is creating a lot of problems with skin cancer and such, but perhaps there’s a subtle difference that nudists may be more aware of than textile-covered people: in general I think nudists know that they have to protect their skin, as more sensitive parts are exposed to the sun as well. But it’s not only the sun that’s good for you. Airing your skin is important. Giving it freedom from the stuff that sticks to you, gets in the way when you want to move. It’s relaxing to wear nothing. It’s also a great way to obtain some vitamin D – it’s sent to us by the sun and taken up by our skin. Clothes are the big enemy of natural vitamin D.


And trust me, it’s not just the people with slim, firm bodies that are nudists, despite what so many pictures try to tell you. Nudists are people with real bodies, with scars, stretch marks, and plenty of parts in a shape that doesn’t live up to the artificially created concept of beauty and health.

And it’s those people, who are comfortable with showing themselves they way they are, who have 100% accepted that not everyone is a supermodel, those are the people who are the most healthy of all. Not just physically, but (and this is my personal opinion as is everything on this blog) also mentally. They have shifted their inner focus from “I’m not perfect in other people’s eyes” to “I am who I am, deal with it“. This is the body type you don’t see on Tumblr and sites like that a lot, but it’s the body type that you encounter everywhere, be it covered up. It may even come close to your body type.

I am convinced that it is this what makes nudists healthy and happy. This acceptance of who they are, how they look and not giving a damn what others think of it. It’s liberating. I can only advise you to try it. Try it at home a few times as you probably need to get used to it, as you learn to shed the idea that clothes are an integral part of life. If they were, we’d be born with them.

The bra – the original booby-trap?

Despite the colour, women shouldn’t be ‘forced’ to wear these things.

Lately there have been studies that wearing a bra will actually make the breasts of a woman sag more than when they leave the bra away.

Sources: Medical News Today, The Inquisitor

Of course there is always a ‘but’. As seen on there is a catch:

Rouillon cautions that his study is preliminary and that it would be “dangerous” for all women to stop wearing bras. He admits his sample size still isn’t large enough to be conclusive, and since his volunteers were ages 18 to 35, he can’t speak for older women. In fact, in an inadvertently uncouth way, he says, “An overweight, 45-year-old woman with three kids has no business not wearing a bra.” Ouch. So, essentially, as Weaver puts it, Rouillon means “Don’t wear a bra (HOT LADIES ONLY).”

Yet another reason to accept a clothes-free / nudist lifestyle where things like this are not an issue.