Naturists and their clothes


Clothes storeA few weeks ago I was out as I had to get some new clothes. At times even naturists/nudists need to go through that. I don’t know about you but I hate clothes shopping. These places are usually very busy and at the same time they go against how I feel about their merchandise. I usually don’t want to wear clothes. Another reason against them: the price. Good grief, it’s insane what you have to pay for even more simple things if you want them to be comfortable.


I don’t know how it’s where you live but even when the temperatures rise way above what’s necessary to be naked, I see people who dress like it’s wintertime. A while ago it was 22C (71.6F) and very sunny here. On the way home I wondered why I hadn’t driven most of the stretch in the nude. Outside the car I saw people in thick, black winter coats and one man actually wore a wool hat. In the sunshine. I thought to myself that he was overdoing it, without his mittens. What’s wrong with people these days, acting like that?

Body temperature.

I know. I’ve said this before. Clothes are good to keep your body temperature at a certain level but they are at the same time very good at fooling your body to think it’s cold while it’s not. Because only parts of your skin are exposed to the real world and the rest of your body is nicely close to boiling inside your clothes, the difference is large and makes a body think it’s cold while it’s not.

UndressingMany of you probably discovered the odd awareness that you start feeling warmer as soon as you’ve taken off your clothes.

That’s exactly what happens then. Initially you can feel cold because the (close to) overheating parts of your skin as suddenly exposed to what seems to be cold air. After that has regulated itself there’s no longer any cold.