Autumnal naturism

The temperature drops. For most naturists the clothes-free arena is gone, which is so for me as well.

I’ve stated before that I will not crank up the heating in order to be nude. I’m trying to be an ecology- and environmentally friendly nude person. Using resources just to stay out of clothes is not that for me.

Next Thursday (tomorrow) I plan on going to a sauna. I won’t go on Wednesdays, because that is one of those weird ‘bathing suit days’ they have set up in order to get more customers. Not for me. So Thursday.

It’s going to be nice and warm and nude and relaxing.


Actually it’s a spa complex, with several saunas, pools, massage options (yes, COVID-19-approved and safe) and a very good restaurant too.

This is where I’ll go.

It’s called Thermen Berendonk and it’s located in Wijchen (link in new tab, to Google Maps), which isn’t far from where I live. I’ve been there many times before and it’s a great place to be.

What is your favourite nude place for autumn or fall, or however you want to call it?

Indoor sports for the naked human

And perhaps not so human, but I shall leave that up to you.

Indoor sports are important

Naked volleyball – a naturist’s favourite, it seems.

Being naked and doing sports is fun for most people. Of course, there are always people whose body isn’t up to sports, either never was or isn’t anymore.

For those who enjoy it, having an indoor option is important. As you can see in the above image, the volleyball players have a lot of fun. In the sun. The times, they are a’changing though, as Bob Dylan already knew long ago. The times are bringing low temperatures, rain, cold things and a general unpleasantness for being outside. I am sure you see my point already.

So if you want to do indoor sports, what options are there?

This depends a lot on where you live and how many nude sport-folks you can round up. Going to a gym for a nude sports hour once a week sounds great but there’s hardly a gym that wants to open up for two people. Still, a nude gym hour is an option.

Here in the Netherlands, many swimming pools have an evening per month for nude swimmers. Sounds like a good option too – unless you’re not in the Netherlands. Sorry.

Following swimming is the good old sauna. Nude in the heat, what is better?

The next thing I can think of is indoor tennis or badminton.

I know there is a location in the Netherlands (I am from here so… 😉 ) that offers naked badminton once a month.

What other options come to mind? Darts sounds like a good sport to do naked, and it’s something many people can do. It’s low impact and still it can be very competitive. And that brings me to pool or billiards.

I am not very good at this but playing this game can be a lot of fun. You will need a place that has a good table, which makes naked billiards a bit more complicated than nude darts, which you can do in almost every home if you have a sacrificial wall. (Not every dart hits the board, keep that in mind!)

Board games are an option too

I admit, you have to be a fan to play board games, but those are just as easily played and lost in the nude as in clothes.

And finally, if you want to take it to the limit, take your clothes off and play a game of chess with this set:

You can find it here. Be warned. This set is not cheap!

This morning

Last night we had a lot of rain. When I woke up I heard a strange sound outside, a kind of splashing. That’s odd because the drainpipe that runs outside my apartment has a few openings next to it, Excess water can flow out through that. Splashing means that there is water not flowing away. As it was quite early (around 4:15am, thanks to the switch back to winter time, which for Americans is the end of DST), I went out to have a look.

Hah, Autumn had provided a lot of small leaves that clogged the additional drain holes! I went out in the rain, in the nude, and took care of the leaves and some dirt that clogged the drain holes. After that, the water disappeared quickly. I threw away the leaves and then all I needed was a towel to undo what the rain had done to me. It hadn’t felt cold (13c / 55F) at all. It felt very good to do it like that – getting dressed to get your clothes soaked and icky is such a strange idea. An umbrella was out of the question as the wind was very strong – and I needed my hands to clean out the drainage hols.

At that time the chance of someone being out and about was less than minimal, so I didn’t feel like I would risk offending someone being outside naked. Truly, it was the best thing I could have done. Naked outside on the gallery, feeling the early morning rain on my skin without being cold, and fixing the drainage problem, all in one go.