Have you seen the film? Aquaman?
At the moment I’m writing this, I saw half of it. It’s 2.5 hours long; I can’t sit and watch something for that long, so tomorrow I’ll watch the rest.
It’s a well-made film I think. I love the special effects and the works that come with them. There is, however, something I don’t understand at all. It’s how the underwater people look.
Look at this bloke. In a bit, metal-looking outfit.
Excuse me? Under water? Look at the weird collar-stuff that point up. That scoops up water and will slow you down like a pro.
Another thing I really don’t understand is why some of them wear those long, flowing capes. Under water. Perfect to get caught in rocks or corals.
I understand that the filmmakers are bound to the rules and regulations of ‘decency’ and they also don’t want to shock people with nudity (while killing and murder is just fine)…
…but someone like this would make a lot more sense under water, in my view of things. Look at swimmers who try to go fast. They don’t wear capes. They don’t have collars that slow them down.
Look at scuba divers. They wear suits that make them as smooth as possible, so as to reduce the resistance of water.
I know this. I’ve been one:
Unless the film changes its attitude about clothes under water (and I know that isn’t going to happen), I’m going to enjoy the rest of it but I’ll shake my head at any full-costume scene.
It makes no sense at all.
Have a good day, and stay as nude as you can!