Nature shower.
Nature shower.
Found on Tumblr
via Vivre-naturiste.
Maybe you caught one or two images in the Sunday Noon Nudist series if you’re a frequent flyer on zjuzdme.org weblines. I’ve been posting these images since 2012 or 2013; I’m not even sure when it started. There are over 400 of them by now and…
I’m running out of images.
Before I start ‘recycling’ the images, there’s a question or two I’d like to throw at you.
I understand that many people enjoy the Sunday Noon Nudist tradition, but when the sources dry up, there’s something I have to do. So I’m asking you, the visitors of the site, for ideas. I’m putting this thing together, but you have to suffer the ‘consequences’ of those actions, so I thought I’d try something resembling democracy.
It might be clear that my dictatorial voice has the final say, but let’s pretend for a while, okay? Just like real politics. 😉
I’m looking forward to your ideas, thoughts and suggestions!