A naturist’s view on ‘nudist groups’

How much is too much?

MeWe logo

This post is about MeWe.com, one of the new social networks that are popping up all over the interwebz. I’ve mentioned them before in this post about social networks that are nude-friendly. If anything, MeWe is that.

Great, so what’s the problem?

Granted, it is a luxury ‘problem’ but I do want to point it out. Since more and more people are fleeing to MeWe (even more since Google+ announced it will close it’s doors on August 2019), this means more and more nudists and naturists are heading over to MeWe too.

Tonnes of groups on MeWe

Now one thing that makes MeWe work, as far as I’ve seen, is that it’s great with communities and groups. There are loads of public groups you can join on a plenitude of topics.

With the current global mindset about nudity, groups regarding that aren’t considered ‘open’. We all understand that. This shouldn’t stop you from looking for nudist and naturist groups though. There are plenty of them.

And that’s where things get tricky

There are lots of them, and for some reason more and more people, probably with the best intentions, open new nudist / naturist groups and invite others to join those groups.

All very noble, but…

As you see, I am a member of 5 naturist groups at the moment.

(Everyone gets a free membership to MeWe News, which is read-only and it’s Hotel California for now: you can check out any time you want but you can never leave.)

As I am writing this, I have invitations for 4 more naturist groups waiting. I will however not join them, since it’s enough to try and keep up with those 5 groups. Truth be told, I am ignoring some of them because it’s just too much.

Imagine if I were to join those 4 others. Even more too much. I’d have to find someone to pay me for interacting with all of them because I wouldn’t have time for a job any more. Does that sound in any way familiar yet?

Don’t get me wrong: MeWe is a seriously great place for naked people. It’s just a bit of a bummer that so many well-meaning people are creating dozens (or more) groups, which isn’t helpful to create a more tight-knit naturist community.


I wonder if there would be a good way that INF-FNI would be able to get this organised. Since they are the international federation of naturists, I think there would be a nice opportunity for them to lay some more groundwork. Either that, or the local (country-wide) federations could set up camp there and create a kind of community.

At the moment the naturists on MeWe are becoming a group of shards that spreads out more and more…

A naturist’s view on dressed activities.


Yes. Dressed. You know how that works. It’s putting on the dreaded clothing. We all have to once in a while, although occasionally there are people who avoid it in a brilliant way.

Health Hazards

If you are in any way dealing with health hazards, I can imagine it’s smart to have some protection on. For instance when dealing with chemicals or toxic fumes. 

Also when there are things around like hot metals or when you’re working with things that can throw dangerous waste around (for instance when working with metal) it’s a smart thing to have some protection around.

I, for instance, have discovered that wearing an apron in the kitchen can be a very skin-saving happening. Of course that’s not always a necessity, but when cooking (and especially baking) things that involve hot oil or hot water, it’s smart to be safe.

Cooking in the nude
Cooking in the nude. (Yes, it’s a link to a video!)

Examples of clothed jobs

What would you think of firefighters? Would anyone volunteer doing that in the nude? I would certainly don’t have the hots for that. (Okay, I agree, that was perhaps a bad one.)

Then there are people working in clean-rooms, where computer-chips are made. I’ve actually worked in one of those, and although it’s something you can do naked, it’s not going to happen. Clean-rooms need to be, indeed, clean, and walking around there without special clothes is going to contaminate the air with hair and skin flakes. Stuff that’s too small to see often, but on micro-chip scale those are huge problems.

Luckily not all jobs require clothing, although we’re facing the big, clothed world out there. I’m glad I can work from home once in a while and then I don’t have to put on things I don’t want.

What I would really like, and I’m probably not alone in this, is a job that doesn’t require clothes. Like working in a naturist resort, or even working in a naturist restaurant like there are in Bristol and Paris these days.

Of course I keep dreaming of a full-time job as a writer, having the freedom to work naked all the time.

What’s your favourite clothes-free job? Do you have one in mind? Do you actually work one? Tell me, I’d love to hear from you and get inspired!

A naturist’s view on celebrities

Celebrity nudists

We all know they exist. It is only natural since even celebrities are human beings with human cravings and human clothes. And at times without said clothes.

What is the good of a naked celebrity?

Obviously the good thing is that a nudist celebrity shows the world at large that being nude / a nudist / a naturist isn’t a bad thing. I think we all agree on that.

If a famous person is okay with being naked, then it should be alright for me too.

As long as that’s the mindset and idea people take away from knowing a celebrity to be a nudist, that’s a good thing. In that respect I am convinced that celebrities can be a huge benefit to the naturist lifestyle.

Kevin Bacon
Kevin Bacon – “There’s something therapeutic about nudity”

Did you know Kevin Bacon is a nudist? He claims “There’s something therapeutic about nudity”. (According to a snippet in the Gainesville Sun.)

And Helen Mirren probably needs no introduction. “I do believe in naturism and am my happiest on a nude beach with people of all ages and races.” Helen said while accepting British Naturism’s 2004 Naturist of the Year Award.

These are but two of the many famous ones who are known to like being naked.


What is the bad of a naked celebrity?

What if someone thinks:

Of course they dare to be naked. They all look so good. And now look at flabby me!

That’s a problem that pops up frequently, and you don’t even need a celebrity for that. I have no proof of it, but I can imagine that seeing a naked celebrity makes things even worse for those who aren’t that toned, tanned and touched-up.

What do you think?

Is having nudist celebrities good or bad? Or do you think it doesn’t matter? Or should they come out even more?

I can only hope that one day we can all ride the bus or the train like Alanis Morisette does…

Alanis Morisette

A naturist’s view on making music


Something simple, it seems. Everyone knows what music is. Nude people also tend to like music. What I wondered about suddenly was: are there nude musicians out there?

It took a long time to find something in this area.

Rock ‘n’ roll

This was an era where some bands, mostly obscure ones, would perform in the nude. Mostly to shock and be rebels, I’m sure. It’s very hard to find imagery about those bands. Perhaps they looked something like this:

Nude rock band

Women only?

nude musicians

Most of the performers I could find were women. This is remarkable in a way, because in naturism and nudism men seem to prevail. Why not then, I wonder, in music?

Is showing the nude musician’s body outside naturism more of a gimmick to attract people than to celebrate the body? I think it is.

Sex sells

That’s a given these days, and it works since several decades. That is also, for me, one of the reasons that nudity (be it explicit or implied) is now so connected to sex. Advertisement had made that happen. Lots of people are happily brainwashed into that way of thinking daily.

toilet paper adIt’s even used to make toilet paper ‘sexy’. There’s the word. Sexy. Hardly surprising that nudity = sex(y).

That clearly is the whole point. Also in music this seems to happen. Look at Miley Cyrus who has caused more than just a bit of controversy about her naked performances and appearing nude in music videos.

Miley Cyrus wrecking ball
Miley Cyrus and the wrecking ball

Real music by real people

I really wonder if we’ll ever see a movement of real people, real music-makers, who are going to perform in the nude just because it’s the best way to be. Maybe you’ve ever been to a nude beach or resort where you’ve seen a naked band perform.

I’d like to hear about it. What was the band like? Where they nudists to start with, or did they strip because of the venue?

nude man playing pianoMusic is important for many people. I’m convinced it is important for quite a few of you who read this.

Would you play music naked? Do you play music naked? If so, what started it? Was it the fact you’re a nudist/naturist?