About me

I’m a nudist. Naturist. Whatever you want to call it. No surprise there, I guess.

Starting off as a home nudist many years ago, I’ve gone out into the world, to enjoy the sunshine and the freedom of a clothes-free lifestyle where possible.

Through this site, I’m trying to aid in correcting the wrong ideas that many people still harbour about naturism and nudism. If I can enlighten only 1 person, that’s what I consider a win already.

18 thoughts on “About me”

  1. Hey thr!

    i’m a 24 year old and mechanical engineer.. i love nudism too.
    i m a home nudist..i have a problem that whenever i get nude i got erection.
    hw to avoid that?
    also i would love to join ur network about nudism


    1. i to even when alone am aroused by my own body…that’s why we have chosen to be home nudists…if you find any info please let us know as well…thanks.

    2. I became a nudist in my 60s and have been on narcotics for over 20 years due to severe chronic pain. I never got an erection when seeing nude women. I think it’s a combination of old age and the drugs, not that I am recommending either, LOL.
      I also photograph nude women professionally, so I am just used to it. Also, I convince myself that even though I am taking sexy photos in some cases, I am a professional and have to act that way. That mind-set carries over to my normal social nudity, so I just don’t have a problem

      1. I think the fear of newbies getting an erection is psychological, and a clear sign that nudity is too much linked to sex. I’m not on narcotics, I don’t photograph nude women and I never had an erection in a naturist setting. It just doesn’t make sense when you’re with friendly people.

  2. I, too, am a lifelong nudist, and in summer spend a lot of time on our many beautiful nude beaches. I began when my father took me to Pilchard’s cove in South Devon when I was thirteen – before that I had no idea that people did such things as sunbathe and swim naked – and in public! I as hooked, and remained that way. Discovering that he was a nudist was even more of a revelation – my mother was prudish and did not approve of such things.
    Ali – lots of people get erections the first few times. Go to a nude beach, find a private spot, get naked and get used to feeling that way. Do it often, and when being naked starts to feel ‘normal’ your erections will be a thing of the past.

    1. Ik ben al zo’n 50 jaar nudist , maar on al die jaren dat ik naakt over de stranden zwerf, is het me nooit overkomen dat het tot een erectie kwam. Naakt zijn wil niet zeggen, dat je gelijk seksuele gevoelens krijgt.

  3. I believe that inwardly I have always been a naturist having first being introduced to social nudity in my younger years whilst playing with my neighbours. Subsequently after a visit to Sweden ,Stockholm where I visited a Swedish sauna come bath house. That was over whelming a new awakening as I felt a new me in life and informed my parents what it was like much to their dismay.
    On return to London,UK I sought naturism having seen a magazine in WH Smith & Son newsagents and would cycle from London to St Albans some 27 miles just to visit Spielplatz. I joined the INF and at 21 took myself to France,Corsica on my own to visit a place called Corsicana which was absolutely fantastic where I spent 3 glorious weeks. On returning I told my parents who in turn asked me to promise I would never visited such a venue again. One can break promises we all know about broken promises so I resumed my visits and finally migrated to Australia where I live today in Qld. This state is the only one in the whole of the country that does not have a legal nude beach and one can be prosecuted if found to be in such a state.If naturism were accepted this State would be very popular amongst tourists.

    1. That’s a great account of your experiences, Silverkyt. Thank you for sharing it. Isn’t it sad that so many people don’t understand the joy of nakedness and don’t even want to try it? Let’s hope Queensland will come to its senses soon. One nude beach shouldn’t kill anyone…

  4. I’m not sure that getting an erection when undressing in the company of others is a problem – its simply a question of doing it in the right place. Not at all acceptable on a family-oriented nudist beach, but in a men’s sauna club there would be no problem whatever. The secret to controlling that kind of reaction is to expose yourself in a quiet, secluded location where you will not cause offence, and do it often. Gradually you will find that simply being naked out in the open ceases to be an erotic stimulus and your penis will behave accordingly!

    1. I agree with that. You need to practice being naked. Be alone when you do it until it is normal for you to be naked. Once you are no longer aware of it, your erections should stop.

    2. Try being a home nudist for a while and find something to do around the house. Like cleaning the shower, it’s much easier nude! Then just do other housework. After a while, if you’re busy, you will almost forget you are nude. Also try being nude with some-one else and soon you’ll get used to it.

  5. Je suis un adepte du nudisme depuis plus de 45 ans je vis à poils chez moi et j’adore me balader nu chez moi où ailleurs en toute simplicité et liberté

  6. Thank you for sharing your story : )

    I have been a naturist since i was around five years old-ish but my Dad & are are more private about it i guess than other naturists are which is a bit of a shame but like, we do not want life to get in the way of things and my friends would just not really understand. To my friends & others that sexual connection to nudity basically is everything & while i am not gonna say it disappears totally (as my experience at a beach showed).. its not the focus or point.

    We have been to more than a few retreats (like camps sort of not resorts) over the years & those places have been awesome!! and the wonderful thing about them was being able to be around people close enough to my age, not just like some of the places where everyone was at a minimum 25 years older than me. So those places and home are really the only places where we get to be properly comfortable and enjoy our sun screen subscription : )

    Living in a rural area (the blue mountains is rather large!) has lots n lotsa benefits and we are very close to lots of hiking trails and once i walk a few hours off-trail, away from any tourists or other hikers and autumn or winter is the season rather than the mosquito, tick & leech season that summer is, i just take my clothes off and enjoy a more pure connection to nature (shoes are practical most of the time but you do not get that “grounding” effect with them on)

    I wonder if there is a higher amount of people in the world who live in cities and are nudist or naturist, like almost a protest against the closed in compact soulless nature that cities make or if, like for me & my Dad and my Mum when she was alive; the choice is more a personal choice, about connecting with ourselves and with nature.. maybe someone knows the answer to that : )

    Namaste/Namaskar to all <3

    1. Thank you for your story as well.
      It is true for me too: being unclothed in nature deepens the connection and the sensation.

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