Archery in the nude

Yes. It exists.

Quote from terracottainn:

Nude Archery is appropriate as the USA men’s Olympic team won a Silver medal today. Here I am trying out for the women’s team. LOL  At least I’m wearing the correct uniform of ancient Greek Olympics.

Tom wrote a great Huffington Post article yesterday about nude Olympics, read it and leave a comment there. Hope you like his story:

“Enjoy The Olympics The Old Fashioned Way, Naked:

I always appreciate it when you reblog my posts, it helps encourage more people to try topless and nude sunbathing or just to spend more fun time naked. So Thank you very much for every reblog.

Visit my resort blog at

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Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

4 thoughts on “Archery in the nude”

  1. Have done this too but it works for me because of my lack of bust and my rather high anchor point (where you pull the arrow to each time 😛 ) Larger breasted ladies might feel the need to just have a bit of a leather over their chests, especially if they’re still developing their technique

  2. aye, even more so with a horse bow (yup, have had accidental boobie hits) or a longbow! i am sure crossbow peeps are laughing right now 😀

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