Exactly and they all produce their own beautiful results. We pity those who look at painted nudes and criticize them instead of opening their minds and enjoying the beauty.
Body painting mixes the best aspects of tattoo design and performance art; it increases the color palette and allows unlimited opportunities to create and recreate. The model is himself/herself a work of art, and the temporary nature of body paint means the model is a canvas of infinite possibilities. I can only imagine how much fun it is to be artist or model!
It’s always fun to see the nude body used for a canvas.
I agree totally! The creativity has no limits that way since there are so many shapes to choose from!
Exactly and they all produce their own beautiful results. We pity those who look at painted nudes and criticize them instead of opening their minds and enjoying the beauty.
Body painting mixes the best aspects of tattoo design and performance art; it increases the color palette and allows unlimited opportunities to create and recreate. The model is himself/herself a work of art, and the temporary nature of body paint means the model is a canvas of infinite possibilities. I can only imagine how much fun it is to be artist or model!
Absolutely. I would love to be on either side of the brush. Well said, Joe!
I have always wanted to be painted properly by an experienced body painter, the skin is a great medium for artistic expression
A oui quelle experience a essayé! Ces artistes peintres savent nous faire decouvrir une autre vue de l etre humain.! Modèle a tester ! Me contacter !