That one-finger selfie.

One-finger selfies.

You’ve probably heard about it, seen plenty of examples of it. The one-finger selfie. Apparently it started though an Anime character that demonstrated how to do it:

Original 1 finger selfie

I had an interesting little exchange about those on Twitter a while ago when someone said that these one-finger selfies might invite people over to nudism.


P.Z. in England
Your blogger, visiting the U.K.

There is always an chance that someone is getting interested in nudism because of such selfies. I really doubt that though. This kind of selfie creates the same ‘desire to see’, the same temptation that certain kinds of (lack of) clothing invokes. I think they are more prone towards that other kind of nudity (we might call it porn) than towards nudism.

Most of the time, as far as I know, nudists don’t take off their clothes just for a nude picture. Nudism is a life style, not a picture hiding something from someone. People who live the life of nudism and/or naturism aren’t afraid to bare it all, to show it all. The difference is that being naked and showing oneself naked in nudism is normal.

People who strip especially for a one-finger selfie will probably put on their clothes immediately after taking the photo (or a few of them).

Fine line

There probably is a fine line between nudism and provocative exhibitionism in these selfies. I am not in favour of these selfies. Nudism and naturism are in heavy weather as it is, the world seems to turn to puritanism in many places. Promoting wholesome nudity should be done in a social setting, in an open and honest setting. Not through something as semi-secretive, something titillating as the one-finger selfie.

1 finger selfie

To each their own

Of course it’s up to everyone for themselves if they want to participate in these displays of their body. Some people think it’s fun. Good for them. Some people, like the person I chatted with on Twitter, thinks it might bring people into nudism. Good for them. Let’s hope these selfies open up something good, something more like body-acceptance.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “That one-finger selfie.”

  1. You make an excellent point that true nudists/naturists do not want to hide any parts of their bodies. As for one-finger selfies drawing some people into the nudist lifestyle, I agree with you, Paul, that I don’t think that’ll happen. Their desire to take a photo of themselves naked while hiding certain body parts is contrary to any motives nudists would have for taking a photo of themselves. Thanks for starting the conversation.

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