You may have noticed there was no post on yesterday. This is not one to make up for it.
Last week Friday I had to let my cat Obsidian (Obsi) go into the big sleep. He turned out to be very ill, and in pain. Cats don’t show they’re in pain so I didn’t know. The vet found out during a check. So my mind wasn’t much on creating a blog post here.
He was 17 years old lived with me for almost 9 years.
I miss him.
Sorry to hear about the loss of your cat! I’m sure your cat is in a better place!
I know he is. No more pain, and that is the most important thing. He is with his sister now, who left us 2 years ago.
Thank you…
I know how painful it is to lose a pet, think of it as a measure of the love he left behind. I wish you peace and tranquility as you process this loss.
Thank you, John. It is what I keep focussing on; the good times we had, the funny things he did (I insist he was a very clever and creative cat) and the pain he is spared now. It was the best thing I could do. Now my heart has to catch up.
I hope you’re mostly over the loss of your pet now. (Although they will never leave you)
Sorry to hear that. Lost my own black cat late last year, still feel the pain 5 months later.
He’s in a better place now, without pain and with all the catnip and treats he wants.
Mijn dank voor deze woorden.
2 jaar geleden is Obsi’s zusje al vertrokken, dat was ook al erg. Nu is er geen meer.
Veel sterkte met je eigen verlies.
“Cats leave paw prints on your heart.”

So true.. and the prints never go away
I just found your post, Paul; condolences and empathy in vast quantities to you. In 1971 I was adopted by a white cat with black eyebrows (Chairman Mao); he wanted to come in from the cold winter, and climbed over the roof to the bedroom window to tell us that it was time to let him in. He was a tremendous guy, with a sense of humour, and loved us for nine years before he died, either choking or in a fight. Before long we were selected by very young Alice to be her guardians and she reached 22 years before her time came. Now we are privileged to care for nine-year-old Joy who came from a rescue centre; she has only three legs (the rear right foot never developed in the womb) and a lot of costly hip and spine issues as a result. She is definitely The Boss! I suspect that before long you may be befriended by another needy cat and you will develop another great friendship.
Just a thought – could Obsidian find a place and live on in one of your stories? He could be an asset to Sheila and Jeremy in a Naked Crow mystery. Cats are very sensitive.
Hello Mark,

Thank you. Obsi was a wonderful friend, as was his sister Grim (Grimalkin).
Amazingly enough, a week ago, I was contacted about 2 cats that needed ‘rescueing’ from someone with COPD. He couldn’t take care of them any more.
And suddenly Mylo (tabby) and Nera (black), both 13 years old, had moved in.
Thank you also for sharing your story about the cats in your lives. It made me smile and feel good.
Hmmm…. a cat for Sheila and Jeremy… Interesting…