Letting it all hang out

That is what naturists do.

Naked Volleyball

And we’re good at it.

No need to pretend we’re prettier than we are, because we bare all, show all. And if ‘stuff’ hangs down, we let it hang the way stuff tends to do.

The past months of mostly working from home have often shown me time and again (as in made me feel) that being clothes-free (not having the body-prison around) is awesome. I knew this. I have known this for a long time. But being aware of that, again, is fantastic, I think.


Getting a job done is great. Doing it without clothes is better. We all know that. Nothing presses against you, nothing ties off the blood flow.

Just because we can let it all hang out.

When I had the idea for this post, I also thought of animals. They don’t do clothes. They let it all hang out as well, and they’re none the worse off for it. For them it’s normal. As it is for us.

I pity the people who are so used to being locked into their fabric prisons that the thought of getting out scares them.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

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