A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media

Nude-friendly social media. Really?

Yes. I know most of you have encountered the strange rules and shifting regulations on our most admired site Facebook.facebook censorship

I have tried a naturist-friendly approach there, trying to stick to their rules. I failed. Miserably and then some. Facebook jail for 2 weeks after what was perhaps the 4th post. The reason? An image of a statue of a nude male that showed from a post on this here blog. It didn’t even show genitalia. It’s not hard to understand, I think, that I deactivated my account there. Normal nudity is not okay there, but the amount of porn that goes around in that place is staggering. That’s okay. Nudism and naturism aren’t exciting enough I think.

So where are the safe places?

Me we groupsThe place I like very much at the moment is ‘Mewe’. You can find me there at mewe.com/i/p.z..walker. Being a member of several nice naturist groups that are really naturist, so no porn and stuff, has proven the place good.

Note that ‘Science Fiction Fans’ is not a naturist group (just sayin’).

You can create an account for free and you get 8GB of space to upload images, videos, whatever. If you need more space you’ll have to buy that, but trust me: 8 gigabytes is really a lot if you’re not in the habit up uploading 4K, 2-hour feature films.

Another nice place is ello.co. Branded mainly a site for creative people, ello also has no problem with nudity. For instance I follow the famous, Canadian naturist park Bare Oaks on Ello.

Images like this:

are perfectly okay on Ello.

Another site is Diaspora. Word of warning: this is a bit of an odd site and at the moment hardly seems to harbour naturists. After creating your account you will need to actively search for people to follow. Give it a try if you feel adventurous.

Not so much a social medium but a naturist forum is available at earthnaturists.com.

Earth naturists

Inevitable question: are there more?

Do you know of places that are safe? Where naturists can be themselves and post images of themselves without feeling the hot breath of censorship? Please share them in the comments. The more, the better.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

2 thoughts on “A naturist’s view on nude-friendly social media”

  1. Thanks for your comments on Social Media. Personally, I don’t use them – except YouTube, for various videos of other interesting stuff but YT is not naturism-friendly. Vimeo is better quality, but not as prolific. I appreciate your comments about MeWe – I might go there. Also earthnaturists.com (I registered) – but it is too early to tell if it will be useful. Of course, it will be as good as the contributors make it. For years I have participated in Cat’s Chat and SunnyDay’s bulletin boards but they do not use pictures. I rather like that approach.

    1. As everywhere, a forum or social medium is as good as the contributors make it. My idea for that is to try and make it good. If everyone adds a bit, that makes for a good place.

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