World naked gardening day and the sensitivity of people

I am on Facebook. Really. I hardly put any naturist stuff there because we all know that Facebook is very sensitive about anything that shows more skin than is needed for a beheading, a public burning, an assembly of Neonazis or lots of girls in skimpy bikinis.

A few days ago someone posted a remark that today is World Naked Gardening Day and “please don’t post any pictures if you participate”.

Incredible, isn’t it? How can people be so scared of seeing other people tend to a garden? And doing that the most sensible way, avoiding dirt on their clothes?

That really beats me…

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

5 thoughts on “World naked gardening day and the sensitivity of people”

  1. It was entirely predictable that FB would throw a fit if anyone showed a square inch of bare skin in their garden – unless of course it was an instructional photograph showing how to use fertiliser to make a bomb, in which case complete nudity would be allowed in order to maintain contextual validity. I am more than happy to share my gardening photos (sans fertiliser) with anyone who would like to see them!

    1. If you would like to display some of your gardening skills on you can send them to me! (
      This is not facebook. 🙂

  2. c’est vrai Paul ! le site facebook censure toute nudité mais il y a un truc que tu peux faire c’est de mettre tes amis en amis proches pour que tes photos puissent être montrée
    bises a tous

    1. C’est une bonne idée, Océane! Mais je suis heureux que j’ai et comme ça je ne dois pas faire des choses comme ça. 😉

  3. I think the person who wrote that was revealing a desire to see it. What is that called in psychological terms? The person wrote that in a way that shows that really it is what he or she desires. IMHO

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