Clothes give you the squeeze. They really do, and nudists/naturists know that. Unless you walk around in a kind of tent that people will think is improper stuff (well, that’s their problem, but still), and nudists don’t want that. Even clothes that seem to fit quite well when you’re standing will cut off some part of your body/circulation when you sit or kneel down.
For those who are clothes addicts that might not be a problem (after all, people can get used to all forms of BDSM) but each time I have to move around in clothes it’s clear: these things are not comfortable. And the more I notice, the more I’m convinced that these fabric inventions are good against the cold (I’ll be the last one to disagree on that) but why people insist on wearing them when it’s warm enough to go without…
…then I’ll take naked.
We wish the world would just allow us to be simply nude when ever conditions permit, such as doing yard chores, going to the mail box or taking out the garbage or jumping into the car nude to run a quick errand. Life would be much simpler.