Children in naturism.
Always a ‘hot’ subject, because the world loves making a fuss about children and how we can raise them in a safe way.
I entirely agree with that, don’t understand me wrong. Still I want to praise naturism and the children of naturist parents.Instead of being kept away from anything that might resemble nudity, without the imminent threat of child porn and other filth, children of naturists can walk, run and swim in the nude without any fear.
Children don’t mind being nude. Have you ever seen how many very young children are entirely naked on a beach? And is that a problem for them? Not at all. The ‘problem’ occurs when the parents create it.
Hooray for naturism where children don’t have to deal with that problem all of the time.
My mother always let me run naked on the beach until I was around eight or nine years old – then, quite suddenly, I was told that it was wrong for older children to be nude – I was confused and did not understand for a long time – I would have been much happier staying naked. Then at fourteen, my dad took me to a nude beach where everyone was bare – just as I had been when I was younger. Even more confusing, but he explained it all to me and after that, no problem.
We are naked around our childreen all the time. We’ve been to some unofficial clothing option beaches where others have had their children. The Prudes and Bigots of America want it their way. To clothe and hide from what is healthy and fundamentally good for all. Let Freedom run and play clothes Free…
I absolutely agree. Good for you, and your children. They’ll grow up much more sensible people.