Health benefits of nudism

Hello. Have you ever considered the health benefits of being nude as much as possible?

Now, you may state that clothes are healthy as they keep you warm when it’s cold, and everyone will fully agree with you. But what about the times when it’s not cold? When the temperature is just right for (or too much for even) t-shirts or less, for shorts or swimming trunks? So many people then still cover themselves up with textile.

As stated on

If you put a plaster cast on a broken arm the skin starves for Vitamin D, the muscles weaken due to strangled range of motion, the nerve synapses depress to a whimper of their former joy. Twenty-first century hominids? We shroud our entire skin palette except for face, neck and hands – we obliterate symbiosis with the planet.

Benefitsofnudism, a blogspot blog:

The Sun Helps Clear Up Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin disease which turns your skin purple. Those suffering from psoriasis are treated by dermatologists by having the patient sit under a flourescent light, simulating the rays of the sun. Going nude does the exact same thing. It’s cheaper, plus it’s a lot more fun.

Maybe you’ve wondered why nudists are so often depicted as healthy “despite being naked”. Well, that’s exactly the reason: they are healthy (healthier) because they’re naked so much. All the skin is allowed to breathe instead of only hands and face.

Also, you have less hassle with clothes. Now what’s that to do with health? How about less stress about what to wear, and less need for laundry detergent (which is good for the environment)?

Also, when meeting other nude people, the encounter is healthier. There is no difference between a business tycoon or a factory worker when they’re both in their birthday suit. It cuts away any class barrier that might be there.

Author: Paul

Promoting the clothes-free lifestyle.

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