Nudism in the USA

After a post on nudism in Sweden I feel compelled to do one on nudism in the United States. Yes, in the US it’s also big, even when many people don’t believe that.

Nude beach, USA

Like in Europe, nudism in the USA is not new. Looking at the website of the AANR, we see that this organisation was founded long ago:

AANR logo

American Association for Nude Recreation

The credible voice of reason for nude recreation since 1931


This website gives you a lot of information on nudism, the why, the benefits and also a lot of where-to-go.

Nude recreation helps your body relax faster. When your clothes come off, so do many of the cues holding you to the work-a-day world. Clothes are restricting, inhibiting. Drop them and you feel free in a way no other way can do for you. It also brings about a sense of equality, because can you tell if this gentleman is a bus driver or a bank manager? Or if the lady next to him is a house-wife or the leader of a big corporation?

Nudism makes labels disappear

DailyMotion features a number of very good videos on US Nudism. Click the picture to see a half-hour informational documentary from the UK:

Camp Como, in Florida.

Try nudism for a change. There’s nothing to be scared of. It’s natural, it’s fun and it’s liberating.