You may be surprised but I sometimes think about non-naturist things. Feel free to skip this post if you’re not interested.
I hate daylight savings time.
Each time the ungalactic overlords start messing with the clock, I have problems for at least a week, and that can stretch up to 2 weeks. People who don’t feel that problem often shrug that off with the statement “You simply sleep a bit less/longer and that’s it.” If you are one of those, you’re a lucky person.

Here in the Netherlands, a majority is against DST or Summertime as it’s called here. Last Sunday I read a Slashdot article that 70% of Americans are against it. It’s not up to me to say it’s true but it would not surprise me.
Time warping should be left to experts like Dr Who, or the people who invented the Time Tunnel (who remembers that series?)

Moving back and forth can’t be healthy
Here in the Netherlands we move back a week before the US of A does. I am still not back on schedule, which stinks as I have a job. More people I know complain about it.
Also, I doubt this is healthy and the way things should be. We’re still natural beings (‘naturist’ says so much, right? Tell me if I’m wrong) so we should adjust to nature, not adjust nature to us. We’re already doing that in too many ways.
Human health is too much under the table for the benefit of the economy. Let’s at least get rid of this one.