Interesting how things can change in a moment.
When I first thought of the title for a new post (this one: the older, the nuder), I had an idea where this was going. Until I started investigating the idea, which made me see things in a much different way. Let me tell you what I thought and what I’ve learnt!

My initial idea was that, when people get older they get less flexible. I’ve seen it everywhere and still do. I’ve seen it with my parents too.
That brought me to the conclusion that older people should stay nude more for the simple reason that putting on clothes requires some agility, and since older people have that less and less, not having to put on clothes would make life easier for them. Are you with me so far? Sounds logical, doesn’t it?
Then I started looking around for stuff that might add a bit of laughter about this topic, and guess what I found:
The way to stay agile is STRETCHING.
You may not feel the need to read on if you’re not “old” yet, but I think it’s worth the while anyway. One interesting link took me to This page talks about the importance of stretching and not to overdo things.

And that brought me (again) to yoga, which is a good way to stretch. And that, hey hey, took me almost round circle to naked yoga, which I touched on last year. Right, there’s no need to ‘yoga’ like the lady up there. (I’m still trying to find out how she got herself in a knot!) And as you see, she is doing naked yoga.
Even Wikipedia has an entire article on naked yoga, go figure. That should tell everyone there’s something about it.
Regardless if you’re into or out of yoga, though, the main thing clearly is that when you get older (like I am and probably the odd 2 or 3 other readers of this blog), you should keep moving and stretch as much as possible. And as we all know: the best way to move and stretch is in the nude.
Lucky us!